Rolling solo again..


Expert Expediter
Well folks, as some of you might have predicted, my team operation is going it's seperate ways. I finally told J that it wasn't working, and on our next time home, the 8th, I will be dropping him off.

IT was hard to break a money making operationj up, however one must look past the dollars and see if it works on a diffrent level. I did not want to have someone that was a "steering wheel holder" at best running my truck, and had seen a total lack of interest or thanks in the opportunities I provided this school-fresh driver with. I tried to help a friend and got burned in the end.

Learn from my mistake, keep family and friends out of your truck, and like it's been said, make 100% sure you can handle the team arrangements you make. I thought I was all set, but it's those little things that kill, keep that in mind.

On the upside, I get my half of a 72" Bentz back, and you'll be able to reach me on the CB again....


Seasoned Expediter
I agree 110% diesel... If you only have to rely on yourself, you have yourself to be mad at when things don't go as they should.. I learned the hard way also, twice in the same trip..


Seasoned Expediter
I have been tempted by the potential income to advertise or look for a co-driver but always stop short. I admire those that can make it work with someone other than thier spouse or mate. I am just not one of them I don't think...


Expert Expediter
>I have been tempted by the potential income to advertise or
>look for a co-driver but always stop short. I admire those
>that can make it work with someone other than thier spouse
>or mate. I am just not one of them I don't think...

I don't think I'd be doing this if it wasn't my wife out with me!
I don't think I would feel at ease sleeping behind anyone else, plus all the cash goes into 1 account!


Expert Expediter
Good luck... and sorry it didnt work out for you.. Im also loosing my team member (Brother) here on the 15th of feb after 2.5 years..and although it was piles of frustration and agrivation.. we made it work. He showed me the ropes set the pace (pick up early deliver early..) We made good money and saw the sites..shared good times and bad ..shared underware and that girl in barstow Ca.. you owe me one for that. .she was way out of your league..(I was first bye the way )..So heres to you little brother.. I love you.. and gonna miss woopin your a** in sony PS2 baseball, armymen 3d.. WWE, or what ever.and Yes little brother you are the better driver.
OH yeah the market for a single women co driver...Ill look over any resemes or applications;)..I keep my feet clean..really
God I hope I can we make some money... we slayed it as a team..would be interested to know how you do diesalfr


Veteran Expediter
Me too, Dieselphreak - though I believe you'll do just fine, 'cause you know what you want. If you hadn't tried running team, you'd always wonder if it wouldn't have been better that way, and now you know. Keep us posted on the solo thing, ok?


Veteran Expediter
I had my Youngest son with me for about 3 Months to get his feet wet after his time was up, He bought his own van, Now he's my Tuffest Competitor.

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit Semi Retired
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones
Home is Wherever you Park.
The Price of Freedom is Written on the Wall.