Political Correctness in Mexifornia


Veteran Expediter
there is no pot...if you mean this forum is loaded with very strong opinionated conservatives...yeah it could be stirring the pot for actually disagreeing with them and not jumping on the patriot wagon...

The principle was wrong...the school board made it right...

This is where Leos support of school uniforms comes in...it would not be an issue...

no there is a pot the grand pot and it's under siege all the school board did was CYA but this is actually one of those times there is no take backs


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh..you'd wear a Gay Pride T-shirt to a KKK meeting too?

Is common sense dead in you too now?

The district over ruled the principle who looks to have acted inappropriately issue done...

I would not attend a KKK meeting nor would I ever wear a Gay Pride tee anywhere. They have to go to school, they have no choice. I am not required to go to a KKK or Gay Pride meeting. Not the same thing.

As to what they wore, it is after all, their school.

Common sense? Was there anyone wearing Mexican flag shirts or colors that day? Were they sent home? Were they threatened? Was anyone threatened by anyone? Was enforcement equal or one sided? Was there any real need or just an over reaction? Has any threats been documented? If so, have those who made threats been arrested? A SHIRT is not a threat.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh I whole heartedly agree....

This is a much BIGGER problem behind this...where you have 5 kids and a 1000 others...a principle has to protect them 5 kids as well...
it is not the 5 kids problem but the 995's problem..

Was there any real threat made? If so, by whom? Were the threat makers dealt with?


Veteran Expediter
the media had reported that the police and been invited on campus so why call the cops if there is no threat?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
threats? by whom is what I ask as well..a media play maybe?

The media really disappeared when the school board let the boys back in....

the media really tries to manipulate us...look at this thread as an example....divide and conquer...blame Obama..*L*

It most likely was just a media thing, they do suck for sure.

Blaming Obama is an "ALL American" pass time. EVERYTHING is now Obama's fault, just as it was all Bush's fault when HE was in office. Besides it's not MY fault that Obama sucks, that is his fault. He CHOOSES to be a PUTZ!!! :p


Veteran Expediter
then lets send 5 kids into the city wearing White Power T-shirts on MLK day...they have the right....the right to die that is...*LOL*

Your just in a reductio ad absurdum kinda mood today aren't you? No offence meant BTW it's how we have been taught to think.Shoot to the far edge to prove a point in the middle it's dramatic but not a very accurate way to look at things. It muddles the facts with heavy emotion. However yea 5 kids should be allowed to wear any pride shirt any day they want to if any of then are allowed to.

I still have never understood pride in skin color and that's all it is. The western civilization that is to say Europe,the Mid-East and Africa are such melting pots in there own right that most people here in North America have genes from all those places.The imagined raceal divergance that we use here in N.A. is totally artifical, it's made up! So to base pride on somthing so contrived is well moronic ... to say the lest.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Good grief. The whole whole story is that these kids have worn the same t-shirts and flag-covered sneakers to school on many other occasions. To the students, two of whom are half Mexican, this was just another day and were taken aback a little by the controversy, since the clothes they had on were a part of their normal attire. But, some brain-dead overly-sensitive moron assistant principle decides to make an issue out of it. The news reports were that school officials sent them home, but it wasn't officials plural, it was official singular. The other administrators and the school board quickly distanced themselves from the assistant principal stating that they do not support the decision. The students went home on their own accord, rather than turn their shirts inside out.

Now, one stupid decision by an assistant school principal gets blown out of proportion even to the point where most of the text of the above posted article is ignored in favor of the text that gets people all worked up and frothy. The "adults" around the town and the country, who got all worked up and frothy, turned a stupid decision into a political issue, and are using the students as pawns in their own twisted game. Mexican-American leaders encouraged Latino students to walk out of school on Thursday in protest of the students who wore American flags to school on Wednesday. Tea Partiers planned rallies is support of the 5 students, and protests and protesters (and live television reports) began to multiply at the site of the school.

All the fake outrage over a single stupid decision by a single stupid assistant principal to prevent an incendiary situation has resulted in, ta-da, an incendiary situation. This is multiculturalism at its finest, where separating out different cultures is more important than intelligence and common sense, where things that don't matter are suddenly matters of extreme importance. Awesome. Meanwhile, Johnny can't friggin read.


Veteran Expediter
Yep, Turtle called it. The article mentions just one idiot making a stupid call, and anyone who knows teenage boys knows they don't put all that much planning into their daily attire - a few acceptable t shirts, and they're set.
The one idiot ought to remember that we don't live in Mexico, and MexicanAmerican [sigh] students need to remember it too.:mad:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well put - the root cause of the whole mess was poor decision making by a 2nd tier high school administrator who is probably a tenured educator who couldn't be fired or even demoted unless he was proven to be an ax-murderer of infant children. The sad fact is that this clown is probably typical of most administrators in US high schools. The high school my daughters attended had a principal and assistant principal that had a lot in common with the knucklehead mentioned in this article - they didn't have the competence to line up a two-car funeral procession.

On the other hand, the public reaction to this shouldn't be a surprise either. In spite of the agenda of our government leaders and the mainstream media, most Americans are fed up with ILLEGAL immigrants - most of whom are Mexicans.

The majority of legal citizens are tired of being told these parasites have the same rights as the legal taxpaying citizens of this country. They are tired of seeing these invaders protesting in the streets demanding equal treatment to that of the immigrants that become citizens by legal means. They are tired of a federal government that won't enforce its existing immigration laws or protect it's borders. They are tired of the crime and the social disruption created by the uneducated interlopers that have no intention of acclimating to our culture or even learning our language; and to add insult to injury we're supposed to learn Spanish and print all our labels, signs and packages to accomodate THEM.

They should not be allowed to work here, and anyone who employs them should be send to prison. They and their children should not be allowed access to our hospitals or our schools. No jobs, no welfare, no freebies - let them go back to Mexico and work at the plants being built by American companies.


Veteran Expediter
Pilgrim you've hit the nail so to speak. First off the US needs to enforce existing laws and do the right thing by removal of illegals and taking to task those who employ illegals. One thing the US needs to do is to have an official language. Since there isn't one yet then labels and marketing and other things can be printed, advertised and taught in any language they please. The education system needs to revert back to teaching what it means to be an American (I think this was dropped years ago) and this will reduce the influence of outsiders.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The same kids wore the same clothes many times before. This is the USA. There are Mexicans. There are Americans. Pick one and lose the hyphens. Don't like it? Fine. Get the hell out of this country and go where they want such stupidity.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If things continue the way they are headed the United States will be no more. There are many living here and even in government at all levels that are actively worked towards that goal. They must be stopped.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
First, establishing an official language won't prevent marketing and labeling from being printed in non-English languages. That kind of stuff will be printed in whatever language that will sell a product and make a company money. Any enacted law that prohibits alternative language labeling and marketing would not only be an infringement of free speech, but also restraint of trade. Restraint of trade is usually applied to things like no-compete clauses in termination contracts to prevent someone from leaving a company and then starting another company in direct competition with the former company, especially if the new company uses the former company's customers or ways and means to do business. It's also used in the sale of a business, like when Panther bought Con-Way NOW, an agreed upon restraint of trade clause stated that Con-Way NOW would not re-enter the expedite sector for a specified period of time. One of the keys to restraint of trade is that both parties must agree to it, and it must be in the interest of the public at large.

The landmark common law doctrine ruling is from 1711, where it was stated:

"it is the privilege of a trader in a free country, in all matters not contrary to law, to regulate his own mode of carrying it on according to his own discretion and choice. If the law has regulated or restrained his mode of doing this, the law must be obeyed. But no power short of the general law ought to restrain his free discretion."

They key there is that the law must be obeyed, but it must be a general law, not a specific or local law, and it must be one that is in the interest of the public at large. An example of a local law that wasn't in the best interest of the public at large, and therefore was an illegal restraint of trade, was back a few years ago when the tolls on the Ohio Turnpike were raised, and lots of truckers took to US 20 across Ohio instead of the Turnpike. In response, local municipalities enacted ordinances prohibiting heavy trucks from using US 20 through their towns, but those laws were found to be an illegal restraint of trade and a violation of interstate commerce laws.

If we were to enact a law with an official language that also prohibited businesses from labeling or marketing products in whatever language they wish, it should have been done 30 or 40 years ago when the "public at large" was a wholly different demographic comprising a relatively minuscule percentage of non-English speaking Mexican and Asians. But that ship has sailed and is no longer relevant. About 83 percent of the U.S. population growth since 2000 was non-white minorities, part of a trend that will see minorities become the majority by midcentury. Across all large metro areas, the majority of the child population is now nonwhite (Populations Shift). Legislating an official language won't reverse the realities, nor would it be in the interest of the public at large. It would be in the interest of the dwindling white minority trying to hold on with their fingernails to what they have, tho. Nobody likes change, especially those who are in charge when the change negatively affects their power.

Clearly, the biggest problem we face is the federal government's abject failure to secure the borders of this country. No one can blame anyone for wanting to come here to make a better life for themselves or their families. And with unsecured borders across Mexico in particular, the risk of coming here illegally far outweighs the prospects of remaining in Mexico. If I were Mexican I'd want to come here, legally if possible, but illegally if that's the only way to get out of Mexico.

We are, after all a nation of immigrants. With few exceptions, none of us would be here if it were not for our ancestors coming here from someplace else. So it's hard for us as a country to want to put a stop to immigration. But it's the illegals that everyone has a problem with, and we take it out in the illegals, but it's really the federal government that is to blame and should be the target of our anger. Unsecured borders is tantamount to an unlocked and open door, which is an invitation to come on in, make yourself at home, and that's exactly what many Mexicans are doing (since it's primarily Mexicans that we're talking about here).

Another problem with the open door is that the door itself, open or shut, is a relatively recent addition. Texas was another country just 165 years ago. California didn't become a state until 160 years ago. Arizona and New Mexico didn't become part of the United States until 98 years ago, with only Alaska and Hawaii having been added more recently.

In the interest of putting the shoe on the other foot, or walking a mile in another man's shoes, as it were, consider this: Before 1912, and for many years and generations since, the indigenous people of those regions passed across the border with the same ease as those who cross the border between Michigan and Ohio today, or those who live in northern Kentucky and work in Cincinnati. The people of northern Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Texas have family on both sides of the border, their lives are on both sides of the border, they have a recent and long-term history on both sides of the border. Whitey isn't the only one who has a tough time with change. To further complicate things, the US government's failure to secure the borders and to regulate, implement and enforce immigration laws for many years has resulted in a de facto open border with Mexico, so it's not hard to understand the resistance to change from the non-white people who live in those areas, on both sides of the border. Can you imagine the outrage, not to mention the resistance to change, if the Ohio River suddenly became a national border, or a border in which Kentucky or Ohio authorities demanded proof of citizenship before allowing you to enter? Well, that's what has happened along the Rio Grande in Texas, and to an even greater extent in New Mexico, Arizona and California where there isn't a natural river border to mark things.

It's easy to sit back in the Midwest and non-border states and snarl at those evil Mexicans for wanting to come here any way they can to better themselves, but the issues are not quite so brown and white as many people think, or perhaps want them to be. I used to think the same way, until I started traveling a lot in places like Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Plus, I have an aunt who retired from government service out of Washington D.C. and retired to Tuscon, and for someone as rigid in her thinking on issues of immigration and illegal aliens, to see her do such a dramatic shift in her thinking is not something to be dismissed or taken lightly.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What exceptions are there to those being here are either immigrants or had immigrants that they are spawned from? Even those that we now call "Native Americans" (incorrect term since everyone born here is a native American) or Indians (also an incorrect term). They all immigrated here from somewhere else. There is also some good evidence that on the north east coast that the "Native Americans" "displaced" some Nordic settlements that pre-dated the Indians.

We are truly a Nation of Immigrants. 100% as far as I know. I am not aware of any human beings that evolved in North America independently of the rest of the globe.


Veteran Expediter
No one [or hardly anyone] can object to allowing immigrants to enter, and become citizens - as you say, we are ALL descended from immigrants, too. The increasing anger is a result of the failure to control the unrestricted entry [primarily from Mexico], or to eject those illegals once found. We are especially angry that those who employ [enable] such illegal aliens are not held responsible for their actions. The resources we can afford to provide are finite, and don't adequately provide for legal citizens - of course we're angry that they are being used for illegal aliens! I can and do blame the failed leadership that allows corporate profit to overrule the laws and even common sense.
We seem to have become a government "of, by, and for the profit of business" instead of "the people", and the Founding Fathers would be appalled that we allowed it to happen. So am I.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What exceptions are there to those being here are either immigrants or had immigrants that they are spawned from?
I assume you are referencing the comment of:

"With few exceptions, none of us would be here if it were not for our ancestors coming here from someplace else."

The few exceptions are those whose ancestors did not come here from someplace else, like those who are themselves immigrants. OVM is a good example. There are others here on EO that I'm aware of, but I don't know if they have ever publicly stated their national origin, so I won't "out" them here if they don't want it to be known.

But I'm also talking about those who are Native American. Yes, Native American is a correct term, since it refers to those who were here before the (mostly) white Europeans showed up. There is a difference between a Native American and a native American, other than just upper and lower case. Upper case Native American is a proper noun and refers to a specific group of indigenous people, while the lower case native American refers to anyone actually born here, regardless of race or ethnicity.

We are truly a Nation of Immigrants. 100% as far as I know. I am not aware of any human beings that evolved in North America independently of the rest of the globe.
If you take it back to absurd levels, we're all descendant from Africans, a prospect that chills the spine of a few around here, I'm sure. But where you start having distinctly different races, that's the point where you can say they evolved independently from others around the globe.

A population of wanderers who originated in what we now call Mongolia migrated from Siberia across the land bridge at the Bering Straight during the latter part of the Pleistocene, between 12,000-16,500 years ago. A direct genetic connection shows that every Native American, US and Canada, are all direct descendants of the same group of Eastern Siberian migrants. From that point on, the descendants of those Eastern Siberians began to evolve independently from the other human being on the globe, just as the Pacific Islanders did, many of whom also share a common ancestry to that of the Eastern Siberian Mongols. The indigenous people of Australia (two separate and distinct peoples) evolved independently from the rest of the planet, as did Europeans, and Africans and Asians, for the most part. Even the Inuit, the First Peoples and the rest of the Native Americans evolved independent of each other, which is why they are different races, even though both are considered to be a subset of the Asia-Mongol (Paleoindian) race. The Eastern Siberians eventually migrated south on into Central and South America, where they continued to evolve separately from their North American relatives.

I once had the pleasure of talking with a Coeur d'Alene Indian, and a Mongolian, both of whom were going to the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. Man, did they look a lot alike.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I assume you are referencing the comment of:

"With few exceptions, none of us would be here if it were not for our ancestors coming here from someplace else."

The few exceptions are those whose ancestors did not come here from someplace else, like those who are themselves immigrants. OVM is a good example. There are others here on EO that I'm aware of, but I don't know if they have ever publicly stated their national origin, so I won't "out" them here if they don't want it to be known.

But I'm also talking about those who are Native American. Yes, Native American is a correct term, since it refers to those who were here before the (mostly) white Europeans showed up. There is a difference between a Native American and a native American, other than just upper and lower case. Upper case Native American is a proper noun and refers to a specific group of indigenous people, while the lower case native American refers to anyone actually born here, regardless of race or ethnicity.

If you take it back to absurd levels, we're all descendant from Africans, a prospect that chills the spine of a few around here, I'm sure. But where you start having distinctly different races, that's the point where you can say they evolved independently from others around the globe.

A population of wanderers who originated in what we now call Mongolia migrated from Siberia across the land bridge at the Bering Straight during the latter part of the Pleistocene, between 12,000-16,500 years ago. A direct genetic connection shows that every Native American, US and Canada, are all direct descendants of the same group of Eastern Siberian migrants. From that point on, the descendants of those Eastern Siberians began to evolve independently from the other human being on the globe, just as the Pacific Islanders did, many of whom also share a common ancestry to that of the Eastern Siberian Mongols. The indigenous people of Australia (two separate and distinct peoples) evolved independently from the rest of the planet, as did Europeans, and Africans and Asians, for the most part. Even the Inuit, the First Peoples and the rest of the Native Americans evolved independent of each other, which is why they are different races, even though both are considered to be a subset of the Asia-Mongol (Paleoindian) race. The Eastern Siberians eventually migrated south on into Central and South America, where they continued to evolve separately from their North American relatives.

I once had the pleasure of talking with a Coeur d'Alene Indian, and a Mongolian, both of whom were going to the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. Man, did they look a lot alike.

Of course I was being absurd, but only to a point. I am well aware of where the Native Americans came from. I know also that early traders from Japan traded on the West Coast. I know that Europeans SETTLED in areas of New England prior to what we call Native Americans showing up there.

The idea of races in itself is silly. There have been wars over this continent. Some lost, some one. Now it is settled fully, room is getting scarce etc etc. Most nations that I know have laws on immigration, as do we. We need to enforce them. THEN we can work on ALL of the other stupid stuff. Like race relations, the illegals here etc etc etc.


Veteran Expediter
The idea of races in itself is silly.
That is true - there is, in fact, only ONE race ..... the human race ... ;)

Now it is settled fully, room is getting scarce etc etc.
This is actually false - we have one of the lowest population densities on the planet (particularly in the west) - lower on average than Europe - and far, far lower than some other parts of the world.

BTW, we aren't fully "settled" - settlement is an ongoing process, which occurs all the time.