Pattern interupt shock


Seasoned Expediter
Just curious, has anyone ever heard of this? Apparently this is when something completely audacious happens in front of you and you fail to respond. Supposedly this is a form of self hypnosis where your brain gets stuck in a loop of trying to process the info while your body goes on auto pilot. This happens to me all the time. For example, I was at a well known sub shop at a truck stop recently, and the fella making my sandwich didn't seem to be the brightest bulb, but hey, i was hungry right? So, he gets to the point where he asks if i want any dressing and i ask " do you have Italian?", he says "i think so" then he proceeds to pour a drop onto his palm, then smells it, then licks his palm , then finishes making my sandwich, hands it to the girl and she rings it up , i pay and leave. well, half way across the parking lot i realize "i cant eat this" so i throw it out and spend the next hour driving down the road muttering to myself " I hate people". I started thinking about this while reading another thread about the emptying of pee jugs. I once saw a guy relieve himself between his tandems while at the fuel pump. I couldn't believe the audacity, but by the time i processed it, he was long gone.


Expert Expediter
Most see good in people and prefer not to judge. That is if we don't know the person acting out in their presence.
You were so stunned by what you witnessed, the behavior took time to process. I believe that's why some people make poor witnesses in robberies, accidents or whatever. What they see is so far from their "daily life processor", they were hynotized.


Veteran Expediter
I think there is a term for this and yes it happens a lot.

Some of it has to do with being complacent within one's surroundings.