Oil continues it decline


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I don't know to be honest. I think he really wanted to change things for the better and to get the USA back into shape. I really don't think it was all about they money for Mc Cain. He wanted to President since he was a kid and that was a goal of his. When he was on Tv saying he lost that was his best speech ever. I really felt bad for him after that speech.


Retired Expediter
I see you've made move for the better I hope....I don't have tunnel vision...I watch all segments of the transportation field...
I do have some soup to go with my crackers ya know...*L*


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I see you've made move for the better I hope....I don't have tunnel vision...I watch all segments of the transportation field...
I do have some soup to go with my crackers ya know...*L*

Yea that was two months ago. Our drivers love it at Panther. FedEx is a great company and I still have friends there that said its just steady which is a good thing.


Retired Expediter
don't think the Feds suffer from the slump in the auto sector since they don't do a lot of it....and Panther seems to have diversified somewhat...away from auto...


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The president has zero control and influence over the world price of oil. None. Even if he did, it is illegal for him to profit from any enterprise, be it public or private. To say that Bush, or Cheney, is an oil man is a misnomer, and quite ignorant, as they are at best former oil men. Bush did not take his cut of the Exxon profits (where do you get this stuff?) nor did Cheney. Yeah, they're campaigns took in a lot of money from the oil industry, but that shouldn't come as much of a shock considering that the oil industry has historically given about 75% of its campaign contributions to republicans across the board (Oil & Gas: Long-Term Contribution Trends | OpenSecrets)

Saying now that, "these two oil men have made billions off the people of the USA they are leaving the White House and fuel is going back down," and then to backtrack with, "But I'm sure they made money too," is (a) a little silly seeing how there is no evidence whatsoever that either of them profited a single penny, much less billions, from oil, other than the ignorant beliefs and wishes of a few wackos who haven't bothered to do anything other than piece together a few wild illusory corollaries to support their beliefs, and (b) is another illusory corollary, and a rather overly simplistic one at that, to draw a conclusion based on the world price of oil with the current administration, especially since history says completely and totally otherwise.


If ya want votes for, and to be a success on, the Driver Council, you're gonna have to be able to remove emotions and unfounded beliefs, and be able to take a more pragmatic, objective view of the facts before letting those thoughts out into the wild.


Not a Member
If ya want votes for, and to be a success on, the Driver Council, you're gonna have to be able to remove emotions and unfounded beliefs, and be able to take a more pragmatic, objective view of the facts before letting those thoughts out into the wild.

I couldn't agree with you more Turtle. Since we shall be deciding soon
who to cast our online vote for, we must make certain the individuals
we place into Council are truly professionals.

With times the way they are currently, this is not the time to be placing
unskilled,ill-experienced drivers,O/O's into seated positions.


-- a "long term" company person who can professionally articulate
in a professional manner

-- a person with "long term" verifyable fiscal responsibility

Anything less ? WE ALL LOSE


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
well i for one would be glad to give GB all the glory for the fuel prices going back down.

Now if he could work that same kind of magic on the 500 billion our country went into
debt 5 out of 8 years under his watch.

can you say, three trillion dollars of national debt........choke choke choke.

our kids better have really good paying jobs to get around this legacy.


Veteran Expediter
Just because someone posts a personal opinion on an open forum about their political thinking doesn't mean they can't bring thoughtful and innovative ideas to the table on a driver's council. Please remember this when voting!


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Just because someone posts a personal opinion on an open forum about their political thinking doesn't mean they can't bring thoughtful and innovative ideas to the table on a driver's council. Please remember this when voting!

Thank You Bernieh.

I shouldn't really post my political thinking on EO. Yes I may have went over board on Bush a little. I can do that because I voted for him. I guess I was just upset because John Mc Cain didn't win. I'm very sorry if I upset some of my fellow Republicans.


Not a Member
Originally Posted by Turtle
"before letting those thoughts out into the wild"

I can do that because I voted for him.

I can't believe what i'm reading. That's some weird kind of logic there. Well, you answered some questions I previously had. Thanks.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Just because someone posts a personal opinion on an open forum about their political thinking doesn't mean they can't bring thoughtful and innovative ideas to the table on a driver's council. Please remember this when voting!
I agree completely. There's nothing wrong with anyone posting their personal political views on here, and running for Driver Council doesn't have anything to do with that. My issue here is not personal opinions, as I welcome that, encourage it.

My issue is the clear demonstration of a lack of critical thinking and the ability to look at the issues without making snap illusory correlations which draw emotional conclusions.

'Bush takes office, the price of oil goes up, Bush is about to leave office, the price of oil goes down... these two oil men have made billions off the people of the USA...'

That's the liberal slant straight out of the How To Be A Good Liberal handbook, and when questioned on it he came right back with a laundry list of quotes from Web sites with blatant liberal agendas and proceeded to allege that Bush got his cut of the Exxon profits.

Sorry, Bruno, but that's not, "I may have went over board on Bush a little," it's a lot overboard. Blaming Bush for the world price of oil, and then claiming that he actually made billions from it, is not even political thinking, it's ignorance personified. It's left-wing wacko radical propaganda regurgitated without thought.

You claim, seemingly often and conspicuously, that you are a Republican, and that you are upset that McCain lost. So like any good Republican, you show your disappointment by spreading lies, half-truths and misinformation about the current highest ranking Republican. Got it. The problem is, everything you post with regard to political issues scream liberal Democrat, except when you claim to be a Republican.

As a candidate for Driver Council, I could care less if you are Republican, Democrat, or a third party. What I do care about is consistency and honesty, and the ability to look at an issue objectively and intelligently. I'm not seeing that here. Couple that with the fact that I personally don't believe you have been with Panther long enough to know the intimate details of their system and the problems therein, much less the intimate details of the problems and their solutions that the Driver Council is faced with in bringing these to the table, I have issues with you being qualified for The Council. Then again, I realize that time-of-service will no longer be an issue 6 months from now, certainly a year from now, and that this particular issue in a rather minor one in the long run.

Granted, considering the manner in which Panther management has addressed the Action Items List over these last two years, Tickle-Me Elmo may be the most qualified for the job.

Hey, you wanna campaign on these boards, you take the good with the bad. :D

I am Turtle, and I approved this message.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I agree completely. There's nothing wrong with anyone posting their personal political views on here, and running for Driver Council doesn't have anything to do with that. My issue here is not personal opinions, as I welcome that, encourage it.

My issue is the clear demonstration of a lack of critical thinking and the ability to look at the issues without making snap illusory correlations which draw emotional conclusions.

'Bush takes office, the price of oil goes up, Bush is about to leave office, the price of oil goes down... these two oil men have made billions off the people of the USA...'

That's the liberal slant straight out of the How To Be A Good Liberal handbook, and when questioned on it he came right back with a laundry list of quotes from Web sites with blatant liberal agendas and proceeded to allege that Bush got his cut of the Exxon profits.

Sorry, Bruno, but that's not, "I may have went over board on Bush a little," it's a lot overboard. Blaming Bush for the world price of oil, and then claiming that he actually made billions from it, is not even political thinking, it's ignorance personified. It's left-wing wacko radical propaganda regurgitated without thought.

You claim, seemingly often and conspicuously, that you are a Republican, and that you are upset that McCain lost. So like any good Republican, you show your disappointment by spreading lies, half-truths and misinformation about the current highest ranking Republican. Got it. The problem is, everything you post with regard to political issues scream liberal Democrat, except when you claim to be a Republican.

As a candidate for Driver Council, I could care less if you are Republican, Democrat, or a third party. What I do care about is consistency and honesty, and the ability to look at an issue objectively and intelligently. I'm not seeing that here. Couple that with the fact that I personally don't believe you have been with Panther long enough to know the intimate details of their system and the problems therein, much less the intimate details of the problems and their solutions that the Driver Council is faced with in bringing these to the table, I have issues with you being qualified for The Council. Then again, I realize that time-of-service will no longer be an issue 6 months from now, certainly a year from now, and that this particular issue in a rather minor one in the long run.

Granted, considering the manner in which Panther management has addressed the Action Items List over these last two years, Tickle-Me Elmo may be the most qualified for the job.

Hey, you wanna campaign on these boards, you take the good with the bad. :D

I am Turtle, and I approved this message.


You say they are lies, can you prove they aren't? Nope. Can I prove they are truths? Nope
They where just my thoughts. I don't attack you with some of your Crazy thoughts on EO things like you have done with me. Those are your thoughts. Then you attack me as a person on if I can do the job on the Driver Council. I have been driving over 20 years and almost 14 years as an expediter.

I didn't see you put your hat in the ring to fight for the drivers and owners on things they would like to see changed. Just because I haven't been with Panther as a driver for years doesn't mean I haven't dealt with the people of Panther. Remember I do manage other owner's trucks. I can understand your attacks on as my thoughts on George W Bush. But your attacks on me as you said

"What I do care about is consistency and honesty, and the ability to look at an issue objectively and intelligently. I'm not seeing that here. Couple that with the fact that I personally don't believe you have been with Panther long enough to know the intimate details of their system and the problems therein, much less the intimate details of the problems and their solutions that the Driver Council is faced with in bringing these to the table, I have issues with you being qualified for The Council.

Are uncalled for. You don't know me as a person nor have you ever met me. I don't know you as a person and never have met you. But I will never attack you as a person because I really don't know you Trutle. I'm not sitting on the sidelines attacking people about if they have enough time at Panther when you as well could of put your hat in the ring to run for the driver council to make a change. If the Drivers of Panther don't want me on the council thats fine. I could post all the things I helped fight for at FedEx but that would be tooting my own horn. It's not about me it's about the Driver and Owner's that spend days weeks and sometimes even months away from their family.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm not sitting on the sidelines attacking people about if they have enough time at Panther when you as well could of put your hat in the ring to run for the driver council to make a change.

It's funny you say that, Dave. It seems that is exactly what you do. You know that the nations largest expeditor is now short a dispatch representative because of your attacks from the sidelines. It also happened to be one of those individuals who gives a d**n about the success of its' contractors.

No worries though Dave. I am not one to dwell on the past. What is done is done and it will be used as a building block for future endeavors.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Lets keep the personal private issues to emails or PM's. The forum isn't the place for that.


Staff member
Retired Expediter

You say they are lies, can you prove they aren't? Nope. Can I prove they are truths? Nope

If you want to push the issue and be a baby about it, yes, I can prove that Bush didn't rake in his cut of Exxon profits nor did he make billions from oil while he was the president. The GAO and every democrat in the beltway keeps a close watch on every penny the president takes in and spends, and if he made so much as a penny from the private sector then impeachment would be a welcome respite from the wrath he would incur.

They where just my thoughts. I don't attack you with some of your Crazy thoughts on EO things like you have done with me. Those are your thoughts.
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are attacking you personally. This isn't a personal attack. It's a strong disagreement with your thoughts. I attacked your thoughts, not you. But, as you are running for the Driver Council and are using these forums to campaign, this is also a questioning of you ability to effectively represent on the Council.

Then you attack me as a person on if I can do the job on the Driver Council
Correct. Don't run for office and then campaign in a public forum if you aren't prepared to receive a little public criticism.

I have been driving over 20 years and almost 14 years as an expediter.
So? Time behind the wheel is no measure of thought processes and not being able to keep your emotions in check long enough to examine things objectively. This response by you here is a good example of that.

I didn't see you put your hat in the ring to fight for the drivers and owners on things they would like to see changed.
What difference does that make?

But there are several reason why I did not. If you want to know, just ask.

Just because I haven't been with Panther as a driver for years doesn't mean I haven't dealt with the people of Panther. Remember I do manage other owner's trucks. I can understand your attacks on as my thoughts on George W Bush. But your attacks on me as you said

"What I do care about is consistency and honesty, and the ability to look at an issue objectively and intelligently. I'm not seeing that here. Couple that with the fact that I personally don't believe you have been with Panther long enough to know the intimate details of their system and the problems therein, much less the intimate details of the problems and their solutions that the Driver Council is faced with in bringing these to the table, I have issues with you being qualified for The Council.

Are uncalled for.
WHY are those comments uncalled for? It's my opinion, and it wasn't an attack. It was a statement directly relating to your and the Driver Council. Are people not allowed to publicly voice their opinions in such matters?

You don't know me as a person nor have you ever met me. I don't know you as a person and never have met you. But I will never attack you as a person because I really don't know you Trutle.
Again, I didn't attack you as a person or on a personal level, other than what you have presented yourself here to be, and did so only in the context of your campaining for the Driver Council.

I'm not sitting on the sidelines attacking people about if they have enough time at Panther when you as well could of put your hat in the ring to run for the driver council to make a change. If the Drivers of Panther don't want me on the council thats fine. I could post all the things I helped fight for at FedEx but that would be tooting my own horn. It's not about me it's about the Driver and Owner's that spend days weeks and sometimes even months away from their family.
That's some of the best campaign rhetoric you'e posted to date. Keep it up and you might get the nod.

But again, if you want to know why I didn't toss my hat into the ring, shoot me a PM and I'll tell ya. The reasons might surprise you.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines

No need to fight with you about this. I'm a better person than that and EO is not about this. It just makes me and you look bad in the long run. Be safe out on the road.


Seasoned Expediter
I talked to Adam Walter at Panther yesterday. I wanted to get a update on the fleet. They have lost 60 straight trucks since January 1st. He expected one of two things to happen. Freight spikes soon or more trucks will leave panther. If I remember correctly his break down was 650 straight trucks, 450 cargo vans and 26 Tractors. About eleven hundred trucks give or take. Right now they are averaging 500 loads a day. We will see what happens.


Not a Member
I'm a better person than that and EO is not about this.

You're probably a great person and one heck of a good transportation engineer. As far as sitting in as a representative
of us drivers and O/O's, I'd think there's got to be those more
qualified and emotionally prepared than you.

It just makes me and you look bad in the long run. Be safe out on the road.

Don't drag Turtle into this "looking bad" statement. You did one mighty fine job of that all by yourself.