Obama whines ALOT!


Veteran Expediter
Even this guy though that was funny.


Turtle... do you not think good will triumph in the end? Without that small sliver of faith, all is lost. BTW, who is that long-haired Ethiopian looking dude?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Looks a lot like my little brother. He is still a long haired "hippie" Kinda never grew up. Too bad. He could have done a lot.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Turtle... do you not think good will triumph in the end? Without that small sliver of faith, all is lost.
Generally, yes, good triumphs over evil. Not always, tho. But faith has got nothing to do with it.

But I cannot believe that you made such a ludicrous statement that conservative whining is good and decent, much less is inspired by God. There are, believe it or don't, agnostic and atheist conservatives. Conservative and religious right are not one in the same, much to the chagrin of many on the religious right.

But most importantly, decent and good and inspired by God is an affront to God himself, as the Bible clearly says that complaining is a sin. It is shows an attitude that you are ungrateful and bitter. It often tests God’s patience as in 1 Corinthians 10:10 - And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel.

And while the Bible says that complaining is a sin, it also states that it can lead to further disobedience. Along with complaining comes pouting. If you complain too much or focus on all the negative things, you can lose sight of all the good things God does in your life. This can lead to an attitude where you lose faith and cause others to lose faith, too.

Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

So you've got to be very careful about which of your failings and shortcomings, and sins, that you try to justify by attaching the name of God to it. That's a sin, too. There's been too much already done in the name of the Lord without trying to add whining to it.

BTW, who is that long-haired Ethiopian looking dude?
Dood named Yeshua.


Veteran Expediter
Apparently, I have failed to communicate effectively. I'll try again... Conservative whining is good, decent and inspired by God. Liberal whining can trace its origins straight to the cunning of Satan. I cannot be more clear.

For what it's worth... Jesus is white, wears a three-piece suit and works on Wall Street. In His spare time, He advocates for conservative causes, is an influential advisor to Sarah Palin and the inspiration behind the Tea Party movement. This is 100% true!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Apparently, I have failed to communicate effectively. I'll try again... Conservative whining is good, decent and inspired by God. Liberal whining can trace its origins straight to the cunning of Satan. I cannot be more clear.
You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What you have stated is that whatever you want to do, as long as it's inspired by God, is OK. That's what Muslim extremists say, too. Whining, whether it be liberal or conservative, is not good. Nor is it decent. It's just whining because you can't have what you want.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What one person may call "whining" is often another persons legitimate complaint. Too many people keeping quiet led to the politicians we have now. Demanding what is rightfully (as in Constitutional) yours is needed. One must NEVER sit back and allow Rights and Freedoms to be taken. In reality, they cannot be "taken" from us. We GIVE them away. Time to stop.


Seasoned Expediter
I am in NO WAY whining! I was simply pointing out the fact that Obama complains and whines alot about ALL the problems HE has created, low unemployment rate, gulf oil spill, record debt and defecits, etc. He blames EVERYONE but himself and his administration. I am neither a Democrat or Republican, I am a CONSERVATIVE! I believe in the U.S. CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS and DECLERATION OF INDEPENDENCE!!! All three are written perfectly as they are and our "Government" needs to abide by the laws that are written therein.
Remember, Obama took the same oath of office as everyone before him to UPHOLD the Constitution not SPIT on it as he has done time and time again. Im not whining, I will do something about it come NOVEMBER!!! DON'T FORGET Obama ran for President for 2 years, and now he is talking about how "HARD" the job is, maybe he should have thought about that before he started his campaign! I know being the President is a very tough job not one I would want but unless he is completely STUPID, he had to have known what he was getting into.


Seasoned Expediter
What one person may call "whining" is often another persons legitimate complaint. Too many people keeping quiet led to the politicians we have now. Demanding what is rightfully (as in Constitutional) yours is needed. One must NEVER sit back and allow Rights and Freedoms to be taken. In reality, they cannot be "taken" from us. We GIVE them away. Time to stop.

EXACTLY!!! YOU ARE RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Because to many people "Fell asleep" we got career politicians instead of PUBLIC SERVANTS. Obama would have NEVER been elected 20 years ago!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
WoW...A layout clone....:eek:;)

There are MILLIONS just like us!! Now, when WE take control of the reigns, not the people like scum bag leftist socialist pigs do, thing will IMPROVE for EVERYONE that loves FREEDOM. If you are lazy, want everything provided for you, demand things that you have not earned, you will be TOAST!! As well it should be!!

What these goober politicians keep forgetting is that it took 400 years to get into this mess, there are NO easy fixes and government is more the cause than the solution.


Veteran Expediter
I, for one, am ready to scrap this government and start over. I could support a movement to have breakaway states form regional alliances. There has to be an escape valve or oasis of sanity where one can find refuge from the tyranny of Liberals in Washington, DC. It's not hard to envision a revolution could erupt here if Democrats retain power for one or two more presidential terms. I absolutely, positively abhor our federal government. History will not be kind to Obama.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I liken it to the tyranny of the whole system as it is now...Liberals and GOP....wipe it all out and start over...BOTH are corrupt in their own ways...

Abolish lobby groups right off....

I guess it depends on what you mean by a "lobby" group? It is the Constitutional RIGHT of EVERY legal American to lobby and petition their government. Who determines what is a legitimate "lobby" or a "special interest"? Are all "special interest groups" bad or just the ones you or I don't agree with.? There are NO easy fixes. NONE. It is going to take a LONG time to straighten this mess out.


Veteran Expediter
If we are to retain our present form of government, drastic corrections would have to be made almost immediately. For starters, reduce the size and scope of government by 75% across the board. Abolish whole departments of the federal government. Abolish most regulatory agencies which promulgate rules having the power of law. These regulatory agencies are pretty much accountable to no one and are unelected officials acting at the behest of the President.

Put iron-clad term limits in place for members of Congress. Have a wholesale dismantling of all union labor. Make the IRS afraid of the people, not vice versa. For each new bill passed into law, abolish five old, obsolete laws. Reform tort law, make class action suits exceedingly difficult to bring. Establish term limits for all judicial appointments. We don't need 85 year-old men in diapers deciding the fate of 300 million people.

Strenghten states' rights. Weaken central authority. Congress should be in recess at least six months each year. Let members of Congress spend time living close to the people they represent. Eliminate recess appointments by the President. Eliminate Executive Orders. ... the list is endless.


Veteran Expediter
You are talking about a lot of changes to the Constitution. Difficult to do.

Of course it will be difficult. Obama isn't afraid to make huge, diificult change. If we cannot muster an equal or greater opposition to Obama's radical socialist agenda, then we deserve what is coming.

Great pressure must be brought to bear. Don't fear something because it looks hard to accomplish.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Of course it will be difficult. Obama isn't afraid to make huge, diificult change. If we cannot muster an equal or greater opposition to Obama's radical socialist agenda, then we deserve what is coming.

Great pressure must be brought to bear. Don't fear something because it looks hard to accomplish.

I don't fear a challenge, I love them. I was just stating the fact is all.


Veteran Expediter
If just 10% of this nation rose up in righteous indignation, the socialist takeover could be stopped. It will be the youth that precipitates change. Older folks in their 50's, 60's, 70's will do nothing. Most are fat, lazy and dependent on government to start with. I fear we are a whipped nation unless change comes soon. We are not really a free people. We crossed that threshold some time back. It is sad and frightening to watch government consolidate power unto itself.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If just 10% of this nation rose up in righteous indignation, the socialist takeover could be stopped. It will be the youth that precipitates change. Older folks in their 50's, 60's, 70's will do nothing. Most are fat, lazy and dependent on government to start with. I fear we are a whipped nation unless change comes soon. We are not really a free people. We crossed that threshold some time back. It is sad and frightening to watch government consolidate power unto itself.

Don't wait for the youth. It is going to be up to us old, fat guys in our 60's. We are the last to remember even a touch of freedom. Today's youth, generally speaking, is already fat, lazy, dependent on government and enjoys it that way.


Veteran Expediter
Shame on American voters in their 40's-70's who allowed this abomination to happen. The old and the young are increasingly beholden to the federal government for assistance. This is no accident. Self sufficiency and a strong work ethic built this nation. The Liberal promise of a nanny state is our undoing. Government is not the solution. This government will not much longer enjoy popular support of the people. There is a huge crisis of confidence coming and I welcome the tumult.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, this older fat guy is 59, soon to be 60. Can't blame it on me. I have spent a lifetime fighting the very idea of socialism.


Veteran Expediter
I am in NO WAY whining!
Yes you are...
I am neither a Democrat or Republican, I am a CONSERVATIVE! I believe in the U.S. CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS and DECLERATION OF INDEPENDENCE!!! All three are written perfectly as they are
If they are perfect, why are there amendments?
Im not whining, I will do something about it come NOVEMBER!!!
Once again, yes you are, but good for you that you are going to exercise your voting priveledge in November...