navigation software


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A while back I bought ProMiles Kingpin XF software. I hadn't used it much because it's very robust and feature packed and I hadn't learned to use it. Yesterday I went to their headquarters and spent time with Shane Masters. He took me through setting up a trip and the various functions and features of the program. It is excellent and I'm glad I'm ready to use it now. If you are considering a navigation option you should call Shane and check this one out. You can also visit ProMiles Commercial Trucking Software: Address to Address Routing, Mileages, Fuel Tax Reporting, Automation, Fuel Management, and more! and learn about it.

Previously I was using CoPilot laptop version. It was easy to use because you just put in the address and click go and it tells you how to get there. What it doesn't do is optimize your fuel stops based on fuel cost not fuel price. That alone is a HUGE advantage for Kingpin if you are in an IFTA regulated truck. Kingpin uses the same maps at Tom Tom and other gps navigation systems so you have very detailed and up to date maps. Another BIG advantage of this option.

Now that I know what I'm doing I can set up a trip in Kingpin in just a couple of minutes and know where to stop for fuel and how many gallons to buy. Fuel prices are updated 3 times per day, provided you have internet access, so you're always going to have the optimum prices.

This is an expensive piece of software. For some, that's the only thing they'll see and will stop looking at that point. Too bad for them for being so short sighted. Factor in a GOOD set of maps so you aren't off route adding miles and wasted time to your trips as well as the money savings of fuel optimization and it pays for itself and continues saving you money beyond that point.


Expert Expediter
Leo, here is the thing. It was my experience working for many, many years at a Helpdesk that users need a user friendly computer system when trying to learn something new.

Many of these programs have so many bells and whistles that the average driver doesn't have time to go through it all AND do what we do - which is drive a truck. We need something we can plug in and get going relatively easy. The fact that you had a rep of the company teach you about the program indicates it needs some simple instructions to get people started. You are a very smart individual who would have gotten it going on your own (given time)but think of others who don't have the time or knowledge of programs and who also don't have the contacts at companies that you have. It is just a thought.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree with the need for user friendliness but I have to confess to a dose of laziness to learning it too. It probably takes about 30 minutes of playing with it with the instructions nearby just in case to get it to do the things someone will need/want it to do. I went to them because they are near me and I wanted to meet the folks and see their place. I could have done it myself or called and asked questions if I needed to but mainly wanted the field trip. Yes, this will take a little investment of time and effort to fully learn and utilize, but it's worth it in the long run for the fuel money savings alone.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No fees, just purchase and go. Their upgrade policies are pretty good too as far as not charging for minor changes and bug fixes. It's an excellent product and worth learning to use.


Expert Expediter
Leo, here is the thing. It was my experience working for many, many years at a Helpdesk that users need a user friendly computer system when trying to learn something new.

Many of these programs have so many bells and whistles that the average driver doesn't have time to go through it all AND do what we do - which is drive a truck. We need something we can plug in and get going relatively easy. The fact that you had a rep of the company teach you about the program indicates it needs some simple instructions to get people started. You are a very smart individual who would have gotten it going on your own (given time)but think of others who don't have the time or knowledge of programs and who also don't have the contacts at companies that you have. It is just a thought.

One thing that really chaps my butt is paying a fairly large chunk of $$ for a GPS program and NOT getting a printed User Manual!!

It is a real pain to have to toggle between screens or print out a relevant page from the HELP file when trying out a specific feature.

Yeah, I realize that the software companies are trying to save some $$, but I figure that they Would likely cut down on HelpDesk calls if a manual was included.

ARE YOU GUYS AT ALK LISTENING??????????????????????
I do like my Co-Pilot Truck 9, but I want a pocket sized USER MANUAL!!!!

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