Nations Express I'm Puzzled


Veteran Expediter
Anyone on here with Nations? I contacted their recruiter and got a lot of mumbo jumbo about how they were recruiting "D" trucks but Sprinters were on their own. Don't really need them. Never told me anything much about the company and then called me back wanting to know when I'd be bringing my Sprinter over to them.??? Did I miss something here? Is there someone else I can talk to?


Veteran Expediter
I think so. The whole thing didn't make much sense so now I'm a little confused.


Veteran Expediter
I may give him a try tomorrow. As it is I'm quite frustrated with them. I sure don't want to go to a company that doesn't need me. I need to be busy. I don't want to keep their numbers up just to make them look good.


Expert Expediter
Tom if busy is what you want with a sprinter at Nations or any expediting company won't happen. Deaver told me I was a dreamer if I thought that a Sprinter could make $10,000 per month March - November. I have done that kind of money but not with Nations.

You nailed it on the head very confusing. Just remember recruiters will tell you anything to get the numbers up even if it isn't true. He wants a job and he know nothing of being on the road.

You sit a lot. Average loads per week is 2.

I sorta think that expediting in vans is fading or maybe it is that these companies only have their favorites and they run before others.

Check out the high cost of monthly insurance costs you will have to pay. That should scare you.