Michael Vick


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think M Vick should be put in a cage with about 6 pit bulls that havn't eaten in a week.


And lets not forget the rape stand either! That may come in handy for him im prison! Hey Rich - We'll be in Wilmington tonite around 10. See you soon!! XO


Veteran Expediter
T-Hawk mentioned something about being innocent until proven guilty and after reading the NAACP Atlanta’s press release, I have to say something else here.

The idea of being innocent until proven guilty has nothing to do with court of public opinion, in fact it is a restriction on what the government can do or consider to do and is the standard for our legal system.

AND This is the way it should be.

The problem is we should not only judge people who call themselves professionals but hold them to a higher standard by the public as they derive there income only from us. We have failed to do so; thinking that they should be treated as you or I and this shows our acceptance of their behavior at the same time if it was our neighbor or relative, we would condemn them quickly and harshly.

As for the NAACP comment Vick has been ..“vilified by animal rights groups, talk radio and the news media and prematurely punished by his team and corporate sponsors.†– Rightfully so, the public has the right and obligation to judge things as they seem to be and reported.


Veteran Expediter
Prejudging someone before the facts come out... that's what I meant. The government... yeah... sure. They're SUPPOSED to do this. But the court of public opinion ruins the lives of innocent ppl all the time. Remember the Duke lacrosse players? Whatever your opinion of Vick, he at least deserves this. And, as I said before, I'm not following this story in depth. I won't read articles, or listen to the radio. I'm an enemy of court sensationalism. And most who say they don't like the circus continue to suck it in anyways.

As far as the NAALCP's comments... if they really believe what they're preaching, why was their shoe on the other foot in the Duke lacrosse players' rape case? Only when it suits them.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
BLACK OR WHITE, Vick is a LOOSER! If he really is guilty.

Torture to anything well, enough said.

Hope he did not do what he is accused of, but if he did throw away the key. And if he did really do it what a shame with all that earning potential, gone no corporate giant will ever use his name again.


Veteran Expediter
The Duke lacrosse players are in a different situation, they were really not affected by the public opinion at all, they can rebuild their lives easier with the public but rather they were affected by the school and legal system screwing up their lives. I feel that in that case the school needs to clean house from the top down and the state owes them more than they are getting - like serious jail time for Nifong and his staff to start with.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter

I have to disagree with you there. ALL the players on the Duke lacrosse team were affected. Their season cancelled, their coach fired, and three players hung out to dry by their school. Even after the evidence was tainted, the prosecutors corrupted, discoveries held back from proper defences, they were still thrown under the bus. Only after everything was dropped, did Duke say that they had the school's support. This is a case where the defendants did absolutely nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is nothing illegal about having strippers over to your house. There is nothing illegal about having a couple of 'pops' if you're over 21. There is, however, something wrong with filing a false police report, dragging three innocent people through a court room circus for over a year, and furthering one's own political future through a scapegoat trial. Well, Nifong got his wish, he was re-elected, but look at him now. Karma, or whatever, got a hold of him and now he's found himself under a bus without shin pads.


Seasoned Expediter
The slope is getting slicker, and Vicks downfall is picking up speed. Looks like the other two guys are about to start singing, Vick needs to take a plea-bargain, take His medicine and move on. However, moving on might be without football, but if He goes to trial, the deck is seriously stacked against Him...