Michael Vick


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Well he sure is a hell of a guy. The NFL needs to send him packing asap. Lately it seems like the whole NFL is comprised of thugs and criminals. Bet even if he isn't suspended the Falcons will cut him before the season.

I just read that the race card is becoming an issue for which I don't see how anyone could say that. It doesn't matter what your race is,this is an out and out crime against animals. I wonder how can a person who did what he has done sleep at night.


Expert Expediter
I usually don't "chime in" on topics like this but....
If Michael Vick can hurt and kill innocent animals with no conscience, what else is he capable of??
This guy needs to pay and pay dearly for his actions. As for the race card...I don't care what color he is black, white, yellow, brown or purple. He is a thug and a criminal, plain and simple!!!!! Color does not make a person.
I hope he gets the boot ASAP!!!


Veteran Expediter
I doubt he'll be convicted of anything more than knowing what was going on. No... the Falcons will not let him go. He's the owner's pride and joy. His money man. His experiment. However you want to put it, Vick stays in Atlanta unless he does serious jail time. I'm seeing Vick plead out to a fine and probation.

As far as race card... When you take young thugs out of the hood, send em to college to get an ejukashun, see that they're still causing trouble, and then draft them, how can you go HUH? Take a good look at the ones who are getting in trouble before and during college. See what race most are. Granted, most of the troublemakers wise up and learn how to behave; but there will always be those who continue to be 'hood stupid'.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Isn't this now in the hands of the feds and I think they have an agenda with the case.

Beside NBA=NFL, no difference in players - regardless what race.


Veteran Expediter
Not even close, Greg. NFL is cleaning house. The only similarity is the attitude of the thugs before they're bounced from the NFL. And, there are a lot fewer of them comparitively in the NFL.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
Last time I checked, an indictment by a Federal grand jury is no joke. the chances of Vick doing some jail time is quite high, no matter how much money he has. Ask the guy from Enron who's sitting in prison right now...He had money, and where did it get Him? I don't believe probation will even be an option, because of the utter shock factor of what He's done or overseen. I hope He gets what He deserves, because I could think of 5 thousand other things to do with myself if I had his money, than treat another living creature the way they did.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm from Atlanta and as bad as I would hate to see our "franchise guy" get booted this is way over the top. I want him out of Atlanta and in jail if possible. If he stays I will never watch the Falcons again as long as Arthur Blank is the owner.


Veteran Expediter
You may be right T-hawk.

I head today someone saying with the evidence that they have and the judge Vick will face, unless there is a miracle, vick will go to jail - the made it a point the judge who will hear the case will not put up with and cr*p and is one who does not intimidate at all.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I was listening to a couple o sports radio stations today and they are claiming that the NFL is getting flooded with calls and E Mails to kick Michael Vick out. Also the real serious advertisers will be putting pressure on the NFL and the Falcons to kick him out.


Veteran Expediter
As far as I'm concerned, being an accessory isn't as bad as being the main culprit. This is a witch hunt that's gotten blown out of proportion. The feds either have a hardon for Vick, or he's really done something terrible. The punishment should fit the crime that the feds have evidence of... nothing more, nothing less. However, I don't see a bunch of jail time doing anyone justice here if he was merely 'involved' or knew about it.

There are many others who have done worse, in my eyes, who should have a lifetime ban from the NFL. One of them is playing now for the Rams. Taking a life should cause one to forfeit theirs. Pac-man, are you listening?

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Sorry T-Hawk, the evidence that I heard today (the radio stations on the left coast here are really talking about it) is that this is a serious crime and is worst than what someone has done in the past in the NFL.

I have to agree with some people who say that the NFL needs to rid themselves of all of this cr*p regardless how good someone may be. I remember something I learned when I met what's his name at the hockey game, one of the players said that it don't matter if I think I am better than anyone else, there is always someone who can be better than I ever dreamed of. The NFL, like the NBA and baseball have these players making millions and what I was told fits, they can rid all of these people and still get people who can play the game and be good at it.

As for the animal issues, sorry again PETA should be jumping all over this and making it a major issue. As much as I think some of these people are over the top, I would actually support them in their boycott of the NFL sponsors.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter

Number one, Larry. Pac-idiot and Vick are two separate things. If Jones is found guilty or pleads to something along the lines of collusion or coersion, then should absolutely be sent up for it. A season for him does nothing but show the rest of the players in the league, that's it and that's all. If Vick is convicted of what the feds are charging him with and what he's been indicted for, or pleads to it, then he should do his time or pay his whatever and get his just suspension. The NFL needs to quit with this one size fits all crap and start suspending based on what the punishment was. A plead is worth 4 games. A conviction with time is worth the time that they served... e.g. Jamal Lewis should have served a bit longer suspension than he got. He served a few months in prison, he should be suspended for a few months. Ray Lewis, however, got off with two slaps on his wrists. No time and no suspension.

Basics being this: Vick hasn't been convicted or even tried yet. Plain and simple. But, the courts should NOT give lenience for his status and his career. If his court dates fall during the season, then it's time to dust off that cool suit that the posse will pick out for him, break out the diamond studs, and practice (yes, I'm talking about practice Allen Iverson) his lines from the commercial... "Thas not in duh plabuk, buh eh shuuuuu be."

And no, it still doesn't matter what race you are to be an idiot in the NFL. Case in point, Mark Chmura. I rest on your face!


Veteran Expediter
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I'm a fan of that, not Michael Vick. I think the NFL is wanting to see where the feds go with this before they make any decision themselves. This isn't open and shut like Pac-man's stuff. There's no smoking gun. If he's found not guilty, he should be allowed to play.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
If any of you has been doing reading on this, A Federal Indictment means that it's "more than likely" that they will get a guilty verdict. This is why it took about 3-4 months to get their story straight. Vick is in big, big doo doo, and I hope He gets what He deserves. Read the Indictment on smoking gun.com. It's pretty clear that the Feds did their homework.


Veteran Expediter
Innocent until proven guilty has absolutely nothing to do with this situation; it has to do with moral and ethical obligations that the NFL, the sponsors and the fans seem to forget.

The problem is this has recently been made out to be a race issue, people of the same race as Vick justify his actions as a cultural thing, nothing else and most people who are complaining about it are white according to his supporters. The problem with this, as with the problem with burying the ‘n’ word in Detroit a couple weeks ago is that race has nothing to do with justifying participating in a barbaric sport that should be outlawed and the people who participate should be in jail or worst. As with the ‘n’ word, I understand the only motivation behind keeping Vick and the keep ‘n’ word in play for most is money but the ignorance of the people who justify his existence in a sport that has so many people trying to get into it on the professional level makes my point completely.

As a side note here – I was in San Diego Sunday and enjoying the ocean parked on the beach. A couple (a marine and his girl friend) setup next to me with a BBQ, a boom box (hooked up to an iPod) and a huge umbrella. The boom box started and from 11 AM to 9 PM I was entertained by every rap star you could think of. The guy was polite about it, asking me if I would like him to turn it down after the first song vibrated stuff off my shelf, I told him to just enjoy the day. Well my point is that about 80% of the songs had the ‘n’ word in it and some were really, really bad.

The one thing that is forgotten and you should know about this T-Hawk, is the problem we have with the dogs that are bred for fighting. It is not like a Game C*ck where if they are let loose, the damage is minimal (I have seen one attack a car before but outside of chipped paint there was no blood or gore or anyone dead from being attack), we have a dog that has the power to kill a man and many of them are set loose. I can take you around Detroit and show you dead dogs dumped in ally ways and on the side of the roads, even 75 and 94 every once in a while you will see one or two. Detroit has an additional problem with dogs running in packs, which a few pits and mastiffs are in among them; my township killed a couple and tried to capture the rest that attacked a lady last year. The cops killed a pit a few doors down from me last year and the year before they killed one that was a family pet (10 shots from a 9mm and 4 from a shot gun – uncalled for, the dog was realty docile). We don’t hear about all the attacks that happen unless there is a kid involved but a number of the ones we hear about are fatal and involve children. Detroit is not the only place this happens, we do have a rather large dog fighting circuit and the cops do absolutely nothing to stop them or clean up the mess.

As far as the NFL is concern, they are like the NBA, NHL and baseball, can’t take anything seriously. Suspensions for felonies should not be, termination of a contract is the only way to go. Keep yourself clean (not hard to do), be professional and get rewarded for your hard work.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter
>Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I'm a fan
>of that, not Michael Vick. I think the NFL is wanting to see
>where the feds go with this before they make any decision
>themselves. This isn't open and shut like Pac-man's stuff.
>There's no smoking gun. If he's found not guilty, he should
>be allowed to play.
>-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!

I get all that, but if his court dates fall in line with the season, then he should be treated like every other stiff that gets charged with something. Imagine the s**t storm we would face if we stood up a judge because we have hot freight going to Oregon. Like anything ever goes to Oregon, please.


Veteran Expediter
Hawks got rid of theirs. Our new TE might not be as good, but at least we don't have the drama. Bubye Jerramy Stevens. :D

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


I have a Jack Russel that I resuced from a dog fighting ring. Lemme tell you the shape this poor dog was in. I have never ever in my life seen ANYTHING as horrible as my Stevie when I first got him. It cost me nearly 800 in vet bills just to put him back together again. He had part of his ear missing, his testicles were frozen to the bottom of his kennel, had frostbite on his belly, nose and all 4 paws, numerous cuts and bite marks, they pumped him full of steroids so his veins were all nasty and infected. The list goes on. Luckily, he was ok with a WHOLE lot of TLC and love. Now he is one of the sweetest lil dogs around!!

My opion, Vick needs to spend some time behind bars.

(hopefully I did the pic thing right!!!)