Mexican trucks begin this weekend ...


Expert Expediter

Starting this weekend (Labor Day.!!!) the U.S. DOT
will allow Mexican trucks and truck drivers to cross
the border and haul anywhere in the country.

How do you think is this going to effect the expediting industry.??

Will this change the opportunities for loads coming out of the
"border" cities of our Southwest..???

Stay Frosty ... ;-)



Veteran Expediter
Ironic, labor day - Maybe it is time to get rid of the holiday, it don't stand for much anymore with this stuff going on.

Well they already started long before I was down there.


Expert Expediter


Seasoned Expediter
I don't see how this can possible NOT affect the expedite industry to an extent. Many companies do quite a bit of NLM loads which originate or deliver at forwarding companies in border cities. Why keep the middle man if a load can be taken all the way by mexican trucks. Only time will tell how much effect it will have. Who thought this would be a good idea???


Expert Expediter
It may just be me but, has anyone seen any major networks covering this situation?
I believe that if there had been more coverage on this maybe there would have been MANY more complaints from the general public (not just the drivers). Another one slid right under the noses of the american people. Everyone (not just us) needs to pay closer attention to what's going on!
Thank you again, Mr. Bush!


Seasoned Expediter
will it affect the industry i believe it will more then people think as for blaming Bush wrong we are first and formost at fault for not constantly calling our representatives in washington and insisting they do something about it and before we start blaming bush or anyone else how many of you actually voted during the last election and don,t use the excuse i was,nt home there is such a thing as absentee ballot there are no excuses so for those of you who did,nt vote look in the mirror if i ruffled a few feathers with this i do not apoligize so until you get of your behinds and vote you might just want to look in the mirror and say its your fault


Veteran Expediter
As buckeyewildman said no one can blame anyone but yourself.

If this means that you, as a professional driver will lose your job, well it is not my fault. Sorry for the callous reality check but truth hurts - and if you are mad at me, d*mn good take that anger and call your representative.

Read this again,

Politics is a game of engagement

In order for you to change something you don’t like, to change something for the betterment of your country or to change just for the need of change, you must be involved, engaged and vocal.

So don’t blame me if Congress passes laws that effect you, your family or your rights;

I am engaged, I am doing what every citizen has an obligation to do for the country and the people who live here.

What’s your excuse?


Veteran Expediter
I also think when the Mexican trucks start running up here we armerican's should show them how unwelcomed they are and make them think twice about coming back.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I voted and I've made many calls and will be making many more. It's inexcusable to allow such a thing and I do hold Bush partially responsible. He's a far lesser evil than many of them however he has never stood up for sovereignty and the border the way he should, from when he was governor to now. We haven't had a good president for a century and there's a significant chance the worst one in history is coming up next.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
i agree with leo. like leo i voted, and i contact my elected officals reguraly. everytime it seems we have our worst president the next one seems to be even worse.


Expert Expediter
Well, there goes all freight opportunities out of Laredo.

It's funny, they put all of these restrictions on the U.S. drivers (Hours of service, logging) and then allow drivers from another country that don't have to follow the rules our contry imposes on it's own people.

Funny, yet sad.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
As funny as that sounds Maybe Driving, there is some merit to that. It's a non violent protest, but it does get attention. Anyone read what happened when they cancelled Jericho? Bloggers asked fans to send the producers bags off peanuts to show their displeasure. (it was from a line in the last episode) TONS of peanuts showed up, and it got the producers attention!

Forums Administrator

"Ability can take you to the top, but it takes Character to keep you there."

- Zig Ziglar



Seasoned Expediter
>I voted and I've made many calls and will be making many
>more. It's inexcusable to allow such a thing and I do hold
>Bush partially responsible. He's a far lesser evil than many
>of them however he has never stood up for sovereignty and
>the border the way he should, from when he was governor to
>now. We haven't had a good president for a century
>and there's a significant chance the worst one in history is
>coming up next.
>Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
>OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
>Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
>EO Forum Moderator
>Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you
Leo like you i voted and called so and i have an excuse and a right to hold bush and our reps. responsible and thank you for doing your part


Veteran Expediter
Well guys/gals here is my point.

According to the news this morning, some odd comment was made that we have unions who are against this, but at the same time are for invaders being allowed to live here and drive down the standards of living. There is something wrong there. The unions are the ones who will lose anyway you look at it.

In addition, I have not seen anything really from the truckers I have met recently. A few complained about it but when I asked them what they have done to indicate to there elected officials, they said it was worthless to even write to them. One went so far to say he does not see a problem with it because he does not understand the impact of such a program to his profession. Sorry I view this attitude as laziness on the truckers part, it is sad that we are faced with this attitude today.

It really don't matter who is at fault for this exact program, it is our job, our obligation for that matter to understand what affects us and to make sure that people we put in office know that.

As for the president, I still feel that if anyone really wants to make a case for impeachment, the border is the very thing that he can be impeached over but I doubt it would ever be considered.


Expert Expediter
yes Like government unions are not for the people its for the leaders aquisition of power...the union bosses live in the big houses and go to all the fancy dinners with the politicians ...they are in the same club anf like voters who keep stepping in crap but dont seem to care about it well ther you go....union leaders want numbers they dont care where it comes from.... how about refusing to pay dues ...protest the leaders who will sell you out...they will still be in charge and you will still be angry because you will mean less.


Expert Expediter
Sorry about the union rant... it will do what it was intended to in 94. clinton wanted to gut the money out of trucking and manufactoring an bush is a dumb arse because he agrees with him... it will possibly be huge and the money will be gone out of this industry .. as for labor day weekend they always burry news on weekends because nobody is pays attention.


Expert Expediter
I agree with the never go to laredo again statement. Pretty much going to close that board down.

What i find interesting is bush wants more guards at the boarder, a new fence or wall or whatever put up and all this stuff but let them come over freely. Heck whats to stop them from comming in to the us (as illegals i would persume) and then ditch their truck somewhere and live in the US? What an easy way to get in. Then we will probably just tow the truck back to mexico for the company at tax payers expense and then let the next one in!!!

Hows that saying go, i love my country but hate my government!!!

I vote for the Nuge in 08!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have voted since I have been old enough. I have written/emailed my congressman etc and DO NOT GET ANSWERS!!!! I served in the military and intel agencies for 20 years. I WILL get my business!!! REMEMBER, WE HOLD THE POWER IN THE COUNTRY!!! TRUCKERS ARE THE DRIVING FORCE OF OUR ECONOMY!!! (pardon the pun) WHEN WE SHUT DOWN SO WILL EVERYTHING ELSE. The government will lose tas money if the economy shuts down, THEN and ONLY THEN will they fix this. When THEY lose money. Grow some kahunas people, this will only ruin us if we allow it. DO NOT EXPECT OUR SO CALLED GOVERNMENT TO FIX IT FOR US. THEY WILL NOT! They are most likely getting kick-backs from large companies etc. My congressman is John Dingll (D) of Michigan. DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM, EITHER PARTY!!!! Layoutshooter