Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I'm seriously thinking of leaving FEDEX and going to Landstar. I'm not making any money at FEDEX. I made more working for someone else then I'm making now as an O/O. We just don't get any runs. I only refuse runs that pay less then .80. I'm running a D unit and can't run for less. All they offer are short 300-400 mile runs then sit for two - three days. I may not make as much per mile for Landstar as FEDEX pays but at least I'll be running. Can anyone out there give me some advise on this matter. We know friends that work for Landstar and are very happy with them, they are ex-FEDEX O/O.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have heard lots of positive and very little negative about LEA,We have come close to changing many times but then the phones rings and it is a pleasant(LOL) Fedex dispatcher with a trip so off we go.Hope you read the above post from MISFIT,also down here in Jacksonville a couple that I know recently changed from Fedex to LEA,If i can locate them in the next few days I will ask them how it!s going and post their comments..


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You said you haven't heard much negative about LEA. Go to Joe Romans Board and search LEA. I heard they were all dying on the vine! That is all second hand though so don't take it as gospel.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>All they offer are short
>300-400 mile runs then sit
>for two - three days.
>I may not make as
>much per mile for Landstar
>as FEDEX pays but at
>least I'll be running.

well with LEA I have never been offerd a load that paid less than $1.07 per mile most are $1.10-1.15 per mile +.06 cpm fuel charge but I have the same problem I run 300-400 miles and sit for 2-3 days unless I turn down loads that take me out of a good area the it aint too bad :D I can't speak for every one at Landstar but this is the way it is for me.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Our average load for Landstar was 850 miles, and many times we'd get another as soon as we called in, or had 2 loads on the truck. Average run pay was $1.15/mi. If only we could have stayed out more often, we'd have done fine with them.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I stay out for about 6 weeks at a time if freight is moving we stay out longer. I went home after 4 weeks only because it was costing us more to stay out then be on the road. We're not afraid to work and stay out if we're making money. I've been trucking for over 20 yrs and my husband for over 40 yrs.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I know what you mean. We're going to stick it out till the end of the year and see how things work out. I just hope we don't lose our shirts waiting. Thanks for the comeback.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I started with Landstar in March 2000 and have been happy with them. I had previously been leased to Tristate and Conway Now, and I like Landstar better than the other two. Tristate's rates were getting too low, and Conway had a lot of deadhead, especially if you got west of Chicago.
As with most expeditors, you are much better off as a team with Landstar.