Kerry's Wife sticks her foot in her mouth AGAIN



From here:

Heinz Kerry is still shooting from the lip

Teresa, the venerable New Yorker checks in with yet another profile of the volatile first lady-in-waiting. In it, we learn Teresa has again stuck her foot in her mouth by calling her detractors "scumbags'' and by describing herself as ``African-American'' to black audiences.

You really have to love this woman!

"There are bizarre moments that make you shudder,'' said a Kerry insider to The New Yorker.

And really, what more can you ask in a first lady?

The piece also reveals - no big secret - Teresa is habitually late for appearances, is in love with the sound of her own voice (she'd like a weekly show on C-Span to "talk and listen and make people's lives better'') and believes she's "too old to be bossed around.''

The daughter of a doctor, Heinz loves to dispense medical advice. Friends think she is "delightful, loving, funny and kindhearted'' but her step-daughters, Vanessa and Alexandra Kerry, did not hit it off with her at first.

"I thought, 'I love kids, kids love me, I'll be fine.' Baloney,'' Teresa said. "You have to treat stepchildren like pets. You're nice to them but you don't get too close or they chew you up. Well, I did it the other way.''