How low will you go?


Veteran Expediter
Firegears: I have just one thing to say, and then I'm finished wasting my time replying to your rants. Your advice to "increase the dosage", implying as it does, that I take psyche meds, constitutes an actionable slander - you want to be careful about comments like that.
Beyond that, I have nothing to say to you, because, as someone whose name I can't recall once remarked: "I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."


Expert Expediter
RichM said...
You are always ranting and raving about the Mods and forums not being professional

I have attempted to present my point of view in
a calm and clear manner.
Have I discussed the actions of some members of the ModSquad..???
Yes.. but never, let alone "always", in a rant or rave.
I was attempting to discuss these points in an appropriate manner.

I stated... I was NOT condemning anyone
(that would include the ModSquad)
Additionally, I attempted to add humor to keep things "cool"..

Yet, I'm attacked in a ranting and raving manner with name calling.
I'm forcefully told what my posts "really imply"... what I was "really doing"
and who "I really am" :eek:

When were the posts I made discussed by any Mod..???
Did Terry reply..???
Did you, RichM, get involved in a discussion..???
All Cheri did was attack my method of presentation
and attack my person.

Finally, I always closed by adding that this was my opinion.
Does this not allow others to discuss/debate my statements.

But... maybe that's just me... :+

In closing...

Cheri, I forgive your inappropriate attack and slander.

Terry, sorry we could never discuss/communicate.

RichM, I'll MODify my posts, per you request..
for I truly do appreciate the Mods as the "thin blue line"
here at this website.

