As an independent contractor, you'll be entitled to stay out or stay home as much as you deem fit for your circumstances. Many folks opt for a thumb rule of 3 weeks working the road thena week working at the house. I believe you'll find your own sched as determined by your financial needs, how the freight is moving, your proximity to home at the end of the work week, holidays, family exigencies, truck corrective/preventive maintenance needs, and the weather if you're sensitive to snow and ice. As for team/solo, we've done both with fedex cc for the past 15 yrs and have never been approached to change our modus operandi. My wife/co-driver spends a considerable time home, mostly to take care of the house and property. As with a truck, a house is too much of an investment to sit without constant attention. Bottom line...You'll find your own groove and ride with it. That's the benefit of an independent contractor in this business.