Green Bags for Produce


Expert Expediter
I kept seeing those Green Bags advertised for keeping produce fresh longer. I just didn't really believe they would work like the ads say. We were in an "As Seen on TV" store and they had some of the packages of Green Bags so I bought some to try out. I can't believe it! These things really work!

All my produce is now going in these green bags to keep it fresh. It is important that the bag stays dry so you have to wipe it out with a paper towel to keep the moisture down.

I bought lettuce and wrapped it in a paper towel and placed it in the green bag in the fridge and it lasted 10 days!! I wasn't making salads but we were using it for sandwiches. Every few days I replaced the paper towel to absorb the moisture.

The apples I bought have lasted forever. I am shocked at how well these bags work. And they are reusable if washed out and dried. No more throwing out produce!


Staff member
I have only used these on Bananas and we are also amazed at how they work. I will have to try this on lettuce as I had pretty much quit wasting money because it spoiled to fast.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks for the endorsement of these green bags, I've been hesitant to buy them thinking that they were just another gimmick.
If they work for lettuce, I wonder if it would work for the bag salads too? We will buy them, eat about 1/2 of it and the rest usually goes to waste because it spoils so quickly.


Expert Expediter
Hmm, good question. I am not sure how they will work for the pre-mixed salads but it would be worth a try, I think. We have done the same thing in the past, bought a bag of premixed salad and tossed out half of it. I'll try some next time we go to a store and post the results. It will take a while to see if it works.

Just remember, don't wash the veggies or fruit first. Put them in the bag and remember to keep the bag dry then wash the veggies or fruit when you are ready to eat it.


Seasoned Expediter
I tried the bags too, and loved them! Lettuce was fresh - first time we got to eat it all before it went bad! Bought fruit from the stands this summer and it worked gret- bought mine at Walmart, even bought a pack for my mum in law- big savings in the long run. Has anyone kept the bags and reused them ?