Got Salvation..???


Veteran Expediter
Dave... uninformed? I would venture to say captive and/or downtrodden. I would suggest Firegears try the local prison. LOL

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
I pretty much agree with everything you say, except one little point. Jesus was not a prophet, but he is the Son of God. Maybe I read it wrong and you were calling him a prophet because of his teachings. Oh and about the JW thing. My step dad was raised up in the JW and he said the reason they don't condemn you to ##### is because they don't believe in ##### which makes sense. Kinda hard to tell someone they are going somewhere you don't believe exists.Nothing I said here was meant to be insulting, and the only reason I say this is because people can get quite touchy when it comes to discussing religon. my only thing is if someone presents there views to me in a resptful manner I'll listen, but when it's my turn to present my views weather they are the same or different it's thier turn to listen to me as long as I present them respectfully.
I trained a guy to drive trucks who was a self described "African Muslim". He was from Somlia. He says there a diffrences between "Middle Eastern Muslims" and "African Muslims". Through our discussions I was shocked at how much Islam and Christianty actually have in common and I learned alot. The world is getting smaller and like it or not we are going to have to learn to coexists with people of different views and backgrounds.


Veteran Expediter
Yes, arkjarhead that is exactly what I meant, prophet = teacher = one who inspires.

As for JW, it is not h*ll that I am really talking about, it is about the reasoning behind their 'not get in your face to tell a message' attitude.

The three major religions have a lot in common and are a lot of things that are in their teachings that we all can learn from.


Veteran Expediter
Since we are discussing salvation, religion, etc, couldn't we spell out the word "#####". Most posts aren't using the word in a cursing manner. The dictionary says ##### is the abode of Satan and his fallen angels. This is not cursing. Since most us us have graduated from the 4th grade I think we can spell ##### without offending anyone. Don't you think this is a hellava good idea?

Sorry. I guess the forum "cuss check" puts the ######## in when someone wants to spell out the H word. I thought the posters were spelling the word with all the #####s. Found this out after I posted and returned to check the finished product. Learned something today.

I'll bet the "cuss check" would go nuts if George Carlin were to post on here.
:+ :+


Expert Expediter

Not speechless, P/Jack

Just accepting that Greg is headed
for the "bridge out" with the "hammer down"



It's his choice if he wants to fill
his head/life with heathens, idolaters
and even pagans (just clean ones, though)

So be it ... I'll step aside as he roars by...
Praying that he, and others, will recognize
and accept the Truth before it's too late.


plus ...


Veteran Expediter
Salvation is personal

You know that was good.

For what’s it worth, no one is filling my head or life with anything beyond what I already believe and have believed most of my life. I unlike many others have never forgotten or forsaken God at anytime, even in my worst moments I have never forgotten that he is with me. I unlike others don’t need to be convinced by others to have my beliefs strengthen, I have no doubts about God but I have doubts of the wisdom of man.

Like I said, the relationship between a man (woman) and God is a personal thing, you can not judge being mortal what is right and what is wrong but you can take your life to a higher level that I strongly feel God expects all of us to do.

This includes learning what other religions are, how we all live together and in our daily lives either fight the seven deadly sins and embrace the seven virtues (a catholic thing but really applies to all Christians) or to practice repentance, forgiveness and grace (not divine grace). If you don’t understand what these are, ask your leader.

But you just proved my point about intolerance, which is actually part of forgiveness. The lack of tolerance in any religion is something that should be fought, should be castigated completely and fully.

Jesus did not talk about being intolerant, did he?

You do not convert people to your religion or your beliefs without engaging them in conversation first, and in order to do so you must not have preconceived notions about the person or their religion but learn. You turn people off when you get into their face about your position and force them to listen. You lose people when you d*mn their practices and lifestyles, with no chance of convincing them of what you are saying, the inquisition is over – don’t resurrect it.

The truth.

People have been trying to figure out this since time began. NO one has yet come up with a definitive answer, and no one will ever. You can’t tell someone to believe in something without some insight of life.

I want to know what version of the truth am I supposed to believe?

Your truth?

The truth of a majority of televangelist?

The truth of a leader of a church like Westboro Baptist church?

The truth of the narrow-minded that for what ever purpose can not practice anything beyond what they are told to practice?

The truth is again something between the individual and God, no one else. God guides us to find our own truth and it is different for everyone.

Like it or not, life is not about living in a box.

Like it or not, you proved my point about living what you preach, about taking things beyond judging people and to practice things by living the word the best one can, not just repeating it.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

I wasn't trying to talk down or should I say type down to you (pun intended) I just thought if it was foggy to me it might be foggy to others, but now I see what you were trying to say. Another group I've encountered that isn't real in your face when they have talked to me about their religion is the Mormons. When I've had discussions with them they have always been respectful as well. Gotta go time to go learn some algebra ya'll stay safe.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Salvation is personal

Excellent post Gregg,I don't think you have to worry about heading toward the bridge with the hammer down.

I have also met Mormons and they are calm guided by their views and do not try to FORCE their views on others.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

Rich, ty

arkjarhead don't ever thing that you were talking down to me, I completely and totally understand what you were saying.

I had several professors who were Mormons and not one ever said to me that their religion was the religion, one was religious studies professor.


Expert Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

Greg and gang,

I'm not trying to FORCE
the TRUTH of Biblical views on anyone..

In fact, as I've written above,

I'll step aside and allow ya'll to roar by while
loudly proclaiming the standard mantras
of the one-world, ecumenical movement ...

Meanwhile, I'll share this eternal TRUTH...

JESUS said HE is
THE (singular) WAY,
THE (singular) TRUTH,
and THE (singular) LIFE,
no one comes to the FATHER but Through HIM...

Wise Men (and Women) Still Seek HIM ... ;-)


plus ...


Expert Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

Well. I believe that Christ is the savior, however the bible says in Revalations that even on judgement day there will be people who do not accept christ in their hearts and will be cast into #####. so this proves my point that all the persuasion in the world will still not convince people that god is real. In order to reach heaven you must be able to forgive others as well as ask for forgivness. So what are the scientists trying to prove about the evolution of man???? Is the bible 100% accurate including genisis. Granted the Bible can acurately depict that there was a Babylon and that King David "did exist".


Expert Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

for T/Hawk....
(((( "unique poster count" ... 12 of 4000 = 0.3% ))))

"Is the bible 100% accurate including genisis"


The Bible told me so...!!! :D :D


Wise Men (and Women) Still Seek HIM ... ;-)


STAY FROSTY ... :+ :+

plus ...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Salvation is personal

Think about how mny wars have been fought and people killed over religious intolerance of others. Christians have killed Muslims. Muslims have killed people of the Jewish faith. Jews have killed Muslims,various Hindu sects have slaughtered other sects and to this day look at the slaughter that goes on in Irag because you have a different belief. Just last week the Pope said that only Christians that are Catholic will be allowed into heaven.

There are Preachers that rant and rave on TV with football stadium size Churches in Dallas and other places that say," you better not use alcohol,you better not smoke,you better not let your children go to the movies or watch TV, you better not go dancing or gambling, but by God one thing you should do is write me that check".

Years ago I worked with a gentle man who was a devout Muslim. His name was Ed Habeeb. His thoughts on religion were quite simple,"we all wind up with God, we just take different paths to get there"

Why is that simple statement so hard for extremists to understand.


Expert Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

"we all wind up with God, we just take different paths to get there"
RichM, ol'buddy...

This is TRUE, up to a point...

ALL will one day stand before the GOD of Heaven...

EVERY knee will bow,

EVERY tongue will confess that "JESUS CHRIST is LORD"


Those who ACCEPTED GOD's Reality for Salvation
(deigning their "wisdom" and accepting GOD as SAVIOR)
will be spending eternity with HIM, in Heaven.

Those who deigned HIS Salvation and who choose to present
their "works and deeds" as "justification for salvation",
in REBELLION to GOD's Plan/GOD's Reality,
will be separated from the GOD of Heaven in a place called "h-e-l-l"

There, for eternity, one of the many horrors they experience
will be to review "their wisdom/plan" vs. HIS Plan

Wise Men (and Women) Still Seek HIM ... ;-)

STAY FROSTY ... :+ :+

plus ...


Veteran Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

Can a parrot find a place in eternal paradise?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

It's funny that ppl can dive into the Bible without ever consider history. The Bible was written by man. Man is fallible. Therefore, the Bible is fallible. And anyone who believes the Bible, without checking out what is known in history, practices what is referred to as BLIND FAITH.

Now I'm not getting on ppl who believe one thing or another. I'm saying it's better to know what you believe. And if your thirst for reading is greater than your thirst for knowing, then so be it. But for someone to tell me they're RIGHT, when it comes to religion, leads me to believe they are simply followers, not scholars.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Retired Expediter
RE: Salvation is personal

So many religions and so many claims to be the ONLY way to get there.

I've already decided my fate so my life and spirit is in His hands.

As many of you's have also decided on the way to meet your maker.

Imagine the millions of lost souls serving time in purgatory for eating a hotdog on Friday...Do you think they were pardoned when the rule changed?