Give me a break.....Give us a break...give expedit


Not a Member
I don't have many friends here but a butt-load of acquaintances I DO have...
Most call me to ask can you believe what so and so said...
Uh NO but in my mind I am sure you need a life.
I am subscribing to old school..
ERGO if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.
Cheri a mod probably pushed the envelope on a recent post (not by my standards but push just the same)..
Another accused her of bias (happens to be a fav of mine)...
WTF do I do????
I come clean to say Philly Manilly brought the game and brought it "well" as he always does.
Cheri I love you as a real person and Don't feel you stepped over your boundary.
Jean why do you hate so much?
Why on Cheri?
Not calling you out but #####.
You seeem like a vulture waiting to pounce on your prey.
In closing I never have seen Phil trying to garner support for his agenda..
He has always brought his "A" game to the table and backed his station.
Backed it well I might add.
In closing I don't think he needs your moral support or your wielding the sword at his defense...

PS Cheri I still think you are tops*****
Moderate and do it well&&&&&&
Call me tomorrow cause I think your hot (or at least fun to talk to)


Not a Member
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Phil you little leprechaun...
I love your stories but want you to do one thing...
Tone it down to something achievable for the new expediter...
If you are gonna subscribe to the Grandiose verboseness do so from day 1 or the birth of your experience not the fast forward to now...


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Well it sure isn't Cozdream or Dispatched as their accounts have been deleted by a "senior moderator". Just a few too many people being the same person. One only needs one screen name, rather than several.
Those flamefests are funny when alot of it is the same person patting themselves on the back.

23 years
EO moderator


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

cry cry cry
wine wine wine
bash bash bash

so far this is just about all you see on this site anymore come on ppl


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

>Phil you little leprechaun...
>I love your stories but want you to do one thing...
>Tone it down to something achievable for the new
>If you are gonna subscribe to the Grandiose verboseness do
>so from day 1 or the birth of your experience not the fast
>forward to now...

The truth is the truth. For some people at least, it is possible to enter expedting and become top producers from the first day. We were among those not because we were luckier or smarter than others, but because we poured over 1,000 hours of time into researching the industry before we jumped in.

Allow me to repeat a point made on another thread. While we have enjoyed a successful four years in the busines, Diane and I have learned and done nothing that any other same-household team with no kids at home cannot also learn and do; provided that the team is able-bodied, has a clean record, and can read, write and do math at the seventh grade level. Character traits also matter. For more on those, see "Ten Secrets to Expediting Success" at:

While some people never figure the expedite business out, others have it figured out before they even start. Figuring it out before you start is not about being grandiose or over-confident. It is about being humble enough to know that you don't know, dedicated enough to learn, couragous enough to change your mind about what you think is true and not true, skeptical enough to take all advice with a grain of salt, and arrogant enough to believe you can succeed (arrogant as in overcoming the internal voices that say you cannot succeed and should fear failure).


Expert Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Cheri can be a little overbearing at times IMHO.
You really have to watch yourself or you will get find
yourself ticking somebody off, whether it's Cheri or not. Maybe
it's a good thing she has resigned from being a MOD. Way too sensitive
for the job.

I read the other post and it doesn't matter what "Philly Manilly" as you call him writes, he's bound to upset SOMEBODY.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Quite often, it's about interpretation. A while back, someone responded(HELLO!!?!) to something I said in a way that I wasn't sure how to take. I replied in the forum and with a PM asking the author to explain what he meant and was ignored. I did hear through the grapevine that I was being credited with saying things I never said. It can get weird here...


Staff member
Retired Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Good illustration of why, for the most part, it's better to reply to what was said, rather than to who[i/] said it.

Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop


Veteran Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

And that's exactly what I did, I thought...


Veteran Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp

Burrp................ pass me another beer


Expert Expediter
RE: Give me a break.....Give us a break...give exp


Time for a random drug test :)

Rikk Sullenberger