

Expert Expediter
I've seen at flying j they are selling a Cobra Nav One 2500 for 499. It looks like a pretty sweet deal and you can get an antenna for it to help navigate your through traffic after MIR.

After running for a few months and realizing the QC directions get you there but the local directions are sometimes screwy i've decided to invest in one of these but not really sure which one to go for. That Cobra one looks really good though.


Expert Expediter
I have a MS Streets and Guide GPS {Global Positioning Satellite or System) on my lap top. The laptop is on a stand affixed to the floor between the seats, in clear vision while I'm driving but not blocking driving vision nor my rear view mirrors.
That being said; Cost at Officemax, $126 plus tax, Walmart, $115. It has some great options and the graphics are excellent, but the downside is longitude and latitude of roadways is off occasionally. Hasn't been a real problem for me or my co-driver. The poor positions are usually from new or changed roadways or bad input. I haven't been able to discern a way to update the program, yet.
If you haven't the cash to by a GPS yet but you have a laptop with I


Expert Expediter
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