Freemasons exposed


Veteran Expediter
Do you actually know a freemason?

Or are you like some people who think that evil lurks in every thing”..... shhh... he a Mormon.... see the horns?”

Can you come up with something that is tangible so we can have a real discussion about it or can't you think that there is nothing beyond the anti-semitism/anti-origanization/conspiracy?


Veteran Expediter
I've known quite a few Masons. I don't know alot about it though. I don't if there is a difference between Freemasons and Mansons. I've known Prince Hall Masons and Blue Lodge Masons. A friend of mine in the Marines was a Mason as well as his father and his mother was an Eastern Star which is basicly a women's Mason group. He was something called an Aculite (I think is the spelling) before he was old enough to be a Mason. His family belongs to the Catholic church in Chicago. I knew another guy that was a Mason and he and his family were members of the Pentecostal church. I also know a barber that is a Mason that isn't a member of any church, but is still a nice guy. He is a single dad doing the best he can to raise his son. I thought about joining the group, and even had the petition to go get signatures of members but I changed my mind. All I'm saying is the Masons I've known have been good guys. They don't seem like people that are trying to overthrow anything or anyone. As I understand it George Washington was a Mason. I've actually seen pictures of him in his Mason garb.

I guess what intrested me in the Masonic Lodge was the fact that all the members told me when you go in the Lodge it doesn't matter if you are the son of a U.S. President or the son of a ditch digger everyone is the same. That's my kind of group.

If you really want something else to raise as a conspircy theory look into the fact that most of our recent Presidents and our higher ranking Congresmen were in greek fraternities in college. Also most current CEOs of large companies were in greek organizations in college. I smell something foul. No not really. I think some people can take anything and run with it and make something out of nothing. I am guilty of this sometimes myself.


Veteran Expediter
If you really want something else to raise as a conspircy theory look into the fact that most of our recent Presidents and our higher ranking Congresmen were in greek fraternities in college. Also most current CEOs of large companies were in greek organizations in college.

I like that! I think you're on to something there Joe. Maybe Ratwell will latch on to this, do some research and post a bunch of links.

Also your typo in the following sentence cracked me up. What a difference a letter makes. I immediately had a mental picture of Chuckie. Maybe Manson is a Mason.

"I don't if there is a difference between Freemasons and Mansons."
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Veteran Expediter
Well today I was going home from the hospital and I had the radio on..... so I am not really paying any attention and a commercial comes on.... it is for the Michigan Masons.....

so here is something you can read.....

Welcome to Michigan Masons


Moderator Emeritus
c'mon folks. ratty has a history of posting this garbage here and then not commenting on the replies. he likes the attention. leave his thoughts to die a lonely zero response and let them fall.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Lately it would seem that Ratties posts are nothing more than the pure definition of #5 of the Code of Conduct, actually. Ratwell's posts are nothing constructive and are usually the thoughts and ideas of others, and since he never comes back to enter into a discussion, he offers nothing whatsoever to enrich the EO Community and can only be looked at as a troll.