First quarter blues!

Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
We all know how slow January is in expediting. So far this years seems exceptionally slow! Texas is completely dead, the rates down there are just downright dirt cheap. I've been talking with a lot of dispathers and folks that do a lot of quoting and bidding on freight and they are saying this is as slow as they have ever seen it and the rates are as cheap as ever. We know how slow January is anyway, but this one looks rough! Some have been saying they noticed how cheap the freight has gotten since the Mexican truckers have been running in the states, especially in Texas and out of the usual automotive cities where they have been slashing prices and running expedite for cheap. This is just some dispatcher talk, but I think there maybe some truth to it. Pinch your pennies folks, we may be in for one of the slowest first quarters in a long time. BTW have you noticed how well our economy has been doing? The news says recession?? Throw in some third world truckers cutting our rates...could get ugly!


Expert Expediter
Mexican trucks? Last I had heard there were only a couple of carriers who had qualified to enter so far. And now the funds are being cut on the pilot program. Did I miss something? Are we really being flooded with Mexican truckers?


Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
I know it's been tough out of Texas where they are all at. Again just passing on some dispatcher talk. With the already crippled economy it wil be interesting how this pans out. Have you been busy so far this year?


Veteran Expediter
It is slow in Texas. We went home for Christmas and got stuck there till way after New Years. Had a really good week last week, and then ended it with a load to Texas. Got stuck there for three days, then just a load in Texas...too many people sitting in Dallas, so we moved to Houston, and got another really short run. Lately we've had lots of trouble getting out of Houston quickly, but usually get a good run. Not this time though. Oh well, maybe next week will be better.


Expert Expediter
I have a first out and have been sitting since yesterday. I know it's the weekend, but usually we should be running at least a load or two. I dh from Columbus to home and I'm still sitting. Let's see how long this lasts. If I turn on CNN it's been pretty depressing lately so I try and stay away from the news and listen to music. Then I hear the DJ's talking about economy. It's like give me a break or something.


Veteran Expediter
If I turn on CNN it's been pretty depressing lately so I try and stay away from the news and listen to music. Then I hear the DJ's talking about economy. It's like give me a break or something.

Don't you think that most times it's the media that incites the "riots" so to speak?? The more it's discussed, the more fear there is, the worse it gets.

No biggie in my head, just take the federal gas and fuel tax off of all of us......that would make a HUGE difference, even to those outside of the trucking industry and it would be immediate.


Veteran Expediter
Don't you think that most times it's the media that incites the "riots" so to speak?? The more it's discussed, the more fear there is, the worse it gets.

No biggie in my head, just take the federal gas and fuel tax off of all of us......that would make a HUGE difference, even to those outside of the trucking industry and it would be immediate.

But taking the tax off fuel woudl never work in lowering the price. It could never be done. You know why? It makes to much sense. = )


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Just this past Tuesday, CNN repoirted that a "tranportation study committee" had suggested a 40 cents-per-gallon federal gas tax increase, over a five year period.


Veteran Expediter
Ditto on the media blues.

Every aspect on of the media (TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, and Web Sites) ALWAYS seems to portray the "worse" case scenario! They cover the entire gamut of reported events from the economy - to Iraq - to Brittney Spears - to even the weather and they ALWAYS put an alarmist spin on the facts.


Simple...Bland news does sell as well as pessimistic, gloomy, panicky, exaggerated, hysterical, pessimistic, doomster, over-the-top, reporting.

For example, as I drove from Atlanta to Ohio on Friday every local station was blasting out warnings of a major winter storm event that would virtually paralyze portions of the Deep South and southeast…blah, blah, blah, yackkety yack.

Next, a few truckers hear these reports on XM Radio and the reports now take on additional spin. Within an hour drivers are getting off the road to look for available parking spaces at the truck stops.

OK. What next? If I had listened to the inaccurate reporting of the media for any longer, I would have called The Secretary of Defense to see if we had gone to DEFCON 1 or moved our planes from the bases in the path of this storm.

Look. We had “DOUBLE DIGIT” inflation during President Carter’s administration and we are still here today.

It is an imperfect world. It will always be an imperfect world. It was a perfect world once, but one of us didn’t do as he was told (Genesis 3:17), so now the rest of us have to earn a living by the sweat of our brow.

Listening to the agents of spin does not make our job any easier.

Turn off the radio and think of all the money you’ll save by not eating TUMS like they were Junior Mints.

PS. I just spoke to a friend parked at the "J" in Blacksburg, SC. That area was supposed to be at a virtual standstill. Flash!!! Breaking weather bulletin....Currently, NO SNOW ACCUMULATION...just a couple of flakes.


Seasoned Expediter
Oh hubby and I have had a great few weeks in January. I figured it was just a fluke so we'll save our good fortune for the hard times. Drive Safe!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I hope the *BLUES* continue all year. We have been busy. Till the tranny acted up. Will be up and running again on Mon with any luck. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
We went from a 5k mile/9k gross week, after the first of the year, to 1200/1200 in the last 10 days. My co-driver is patient, but I go nuts! I thought part of it was some bad run decisions, but apparently others are sharing my stationary pain!

BTW, why am I not a senior member....2002...hello????



Veteran Expediter
Junior vs senior member might have to do with how many posts you've contributed, rather than how long you've been a member, I think.
If so, I'm on my way to becoming a 'founding member', any time now, lol:p



Seasoned Expediter
Last wednesday we only had 556 miles in for the week, but then we pulled it out- took a 800 up into Canada, and got a 756, just over 2000 a week is not great... but beats what we were thinking was going to happen last Wednesday! We did drive through the snow that hit North Carolina... what a mess. But, here we are 35 mph, and semis blowing past us- full steam ahead, can't tell you how many of them were in ditches, wrecks... I just don't understand?????


Seasoned Expediter
we've been stuck in houston for a week since 1/16!! Texas hasn't been good the other time we've been here either. I've been doing this for a month and I dont think i like Texas for getting a load out. I tried to get a back haul and no luck either.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
if you want to be in crazy semi traffic try Interstate #79 from Mogorantown WV into Charleston. It is always foggy, with a 70mph limit which is generally ignored.

Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
we've been stuck in houston for a week since 1/16!! Texas hasn't been good the other time we've been here either. I've been doing this for a month and I dont think i like Texas for getting a load out. I tried to get a back haul and no luck either.

I heard there are a lot of trucks with Mexican plates in Texas now
