
Expert Expediter
How do all of you "layovers" sit for days in express centers? Management/planning are at home every night while you sit and wait!!They FINALLY decided to only penalize you 24hours for going home TO SIT!!-It SHOULD BE FIRST IN/OUT EVERYWHERE-BUT YOU JUST SIT THERE!!THEN "YOU" LOSE!! Dedicated trucks in CHICAGO,DETROIT,NYC??? DVA=DUMB VEHICAL ALERT!! :+


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
layovers hate em wont do em.. not in a cargovan anyway i have a bunk but i dont sleep right on a 2 foot wide bed i need to be home every other night at the least.. but then my company doenst penalize me for heading home.. but the damn .80 per hr rate is rather depressing .. :/

i run for try hours if yer interested


Expert Expediter
>80cpm plus in/out home sure beats laps around T/A parking lot!!TRY HOURS taking care of you?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
there pretty good i really do think they try like i said a few things i dont like but that is just part of life i think.. but all and all I have yet to have a week <asid from christmas time but we all know about that> where i do terrible..

wait no there aweful dont sign up with em..heh

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
Many moons ago (a little Indian lingo) when I was on a layover I would read, (I read on average of 2-3 books a week)listen to music, or watch television.

That was before Algore invented the internet. I spent about 60% of my off time surfing the web, working on a website or fixing this piece of junk computer. I try to arrange layovers in places where there is Park and View (and it actually works :+ )

If I am in a location without internet access I usually am pretty testy. (Well, thats what my codriver says. I think I am my usually sweet loveable self with or without internet) I then work on the site or play games.


Expert Expediter
In the past 13 days running, I have spent 6 days at two different truck stops. You talk about going stir crazy. To add to the frustration, we had to run the truck all six days, 24 hrs a day, as we were in 18-25 degree weather.

I hope FedEx CC picks up soon...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
right now at home waitting to get out there are other units here
have the most dwell time in norfolk, but there are 2 less than 75's
also on the board for rds who ever call's me first that's who i work
for today, easier to sit home and wait as it is more comfort
not having to wait in the truck, i'm able to to everything i want
and not spend to much money at home
never stay at express center more than 2 days, if they won't reloc
me home i go


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
GEO has the wintertime expedite thing down to an art as I do- That is simply expedite trucking 101, rule #1.. DON'T SIT! If there is nothing to do, go home and sit and you will be much happier. Think of the deadhead home as an investment in your own sanity.. plus a lot fewer quarters in the video poker game.


Expert Expediter
u got it weave...even a newbie like me didnt take long to figure that out...i sat 4 out of 5 days the week before last and said to hell with that and came home last weekend..didnt get out till thursday ..nice run..but when i delibvered found out from others tey are sitting for 6-8 days all around country....not me ..i just chose good ole option 3 and headed for home...alot cheaper to sit here...and the comforts of home....frank