Election 2004


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It's kinda fun watching both parties scrambling for whatever edge they can get. It seems to me that GW is getting ready to dump D.Cheney as his VP.Cheney is carrying alot of baggage these days ,including his recent cussing out of the Senator from Vermont.
I have noticed that Jon McCain is doing some campaiging for GW so in my mind I see Chenney resigning for health reasons and Senator McCain taking his place on the ticket.Now we would have Senator Kerry saying he served in Vietnam but Senator McCain can say he was a prisoner for 7 years and Jane Fonda spit on him. Wild stuff but this would really help GW and it seems like he needs it.
Now Senator Kerry needs a big name as his VP mate,how about the Senator from NY( I will serve out my term) Hillary. Can you imagine a debate between McCain and Hillary?? Lots of fun coming up for sure..

D Green

Expert Expediter
Rich, I love to watch the politicians. When they are scrambling to point out their differences, is when you can see, there really *isn't* much difference between the two major parties.

I read an article this am, where J McCain had addressed an hispanic group, agreeing that the illegals should be brought into the mainstream. Just like GWB. ggrrrrr.... Wish those fools would live down here with the working folks where they could observe & experience the economic havoc the illegals are causing.

And we will experience NAFTA south, soon.

Hilda-beast?? (gawd) My bet is on John Edwards, for obtaining the southern vote.

And, surely, it will be entertaining to watch.



Expert Expediter
Whoo boy. Dubya and John McCain Vs. Ketchup and Hilda-beast...

What a match up!

Mike N

I don't approve of political jokes. I've seen far too many get elected.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Well Dennis you win the bet.The Hildabeast is not on the ballot. Seems like she and Bill will want Kerry to lose as then she can run in 2008. Bet you listen to the talkmaster too.
Now will GW dump Cheney for Senator McCain,if he is smart(good qestion) he will do that. Should be a lot of fun the next few months.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
> Should be a lot of fun
>the next few months.

The next few months??????????
Sheesh, I don't know how you guys can stand a campaign that lasts as long.
We just had a Federal election up here. The campaign ran 39 DAYS!!.
The politicians had more than enough time to make all sorts of foolish promises, and the favourite political ploy of: Open Mouth Insert Foot.
One small advantage of the Canadian system in my opinion.

D Green

Expert Expediter
...But Rob, if ya'll don't have every other year political races, what, pray tell, do you have for arguement & entertainment??:)

Rich, I picked one correctly, it gets more entertaining & difficult from here on out.

The Cheney question is tough. GW wants to be tough, seen as loyal to "his" people, & will not accept that he may have made a bad decision. Just his personna. I don't expect him to dump or ask for Cheney to withdraw.

But, I wouldn't rule out another major republican player convincing Cheney to tender a resignation for "health" reasons (for the good of the party), thereby opening the door for McCain. 50/50 either way on Cheney decision. Need more clues...but if he has another heart spell before the Repub convention, I'll look for a McCain announcement as the surprise at the convention to get the Republicans back in the limelight.

Ain't talk radio grand? Keeps me interested & attentive as I drive. I gave up listening to Limbaugh & Hannity, as they seem to be only promoters of the party line. Not much independent thinking there. But, I do have to check in for the "line, once in a while. I listen some to Tony Snow, I like O'Reilly for his crusading & cussedness, Savage (though he is getting rather dark of late), & Ed Schultz & Alan Colms for another opinion.

And, of course, to get away from politics, C2C am, George & Art. Sure glad the week of reruns is over...

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I think Dubya needs to stick with Cheney. Stability is better than change at this point. I don't see McCain bringing anything to the table that would be a vast improvment. The cussing out issue has pretty much faded already, and from what I heard he had it coming. Talk radio is one of the best things to happen for people stuck in a truck for weeks at a time. I've listened to Rush since he went national, and the only problem with that is my liberal friends seem to think he tells me what to think. I keep having to remind them I voted for Reagan twice before I ever heard of conservative talk radio. I was very disapointed that Rush had to get caught before he came clean about the drugs. It seems most of the Dittoheads are allowing him one screw up. But as far as I'm concerned he better behave himself from now on or my radio will be an EIB free zone. I think Savage is just a conservative "shock jock" who will go the way of Morton Downey, becoming a sad caricature of himself and disapearing.