Credit/background check


Expert Expediter
I was looking into an o/o job offer here in town and was wondering why they includet a credit/background check release form with the application. I don't have a problem with a background check, but what the heck is a credit check??? How on earth can someone else get information about my financial status? And more important, what is it used for? So in other words, if I am in depth up to my eyebrows, I won't be considered for employment? What would they be looking for in that credit check? Mortgage, credit cards, loans, how many unpaid bills, owing taxes??? Like I said, I have nothing against a background check, but that word "credit check" is disturbing. Any info guys?

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
This info is used to relate to the carrier what your character is, and how responsible you are. Loads held hostage, equipment not paid for..etc. When I worked in safety and recruiting this info would tell us if you had left a truck or trailer without returning it to the carrier. Hope this helps. Carriers can be more selective when freight is a bit slow. They can afford to pick the creme of the crop. I hope you fall into that category? Good luck.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard

Persons with good (650+/- or more) credit scores displays qualities of stability; not only financial stability, but a stability of character. Low credit scores are indicators of such things as poor financial management; poor payment history and, in some instances, poor driving habits, which contribute to accidents, which create insurance claims, which can lower your credit score.

None of us like the "big Brother" watching over us thing, but thie credit score is just one element where future performance can be assessed by looking at past performance.

Good luck with the job search.


Expert Expediter
When businesses use vendors for products or services they generally do DUNS report to determine the status of the company for things like payment history and how they opertate ( i.e. cash flow,debt, etc.)

As an O/O you are a vendor to the company thereforse they want to know about you and your background....

Now on to a job...Did you know that even if you apply for a "regular" job your credit can be checked as a way of scoring your ability to repay your debts.....companies have been increasingly burned by employee issues regarding their they include it in their check of you....

Did you also know that when you apply for insurance you can be credit checked as well....

I probably said more than you asked...but today info on you can be gotten on just about everything ...right up to what you bought a Wal-Mart last week, how much you spent, and how much shoppoing time you spent there.....

Just an FYI.
Frank in Pa.

"The Beast in the East"


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I think it is a great idea that we have been doing for years.
We also look at a persons residence.
It is a clear indicator of how they will take care of our equipment.
Why would anyone want to put someone in a $100,000 truck, and not have any idea on what their past performance has been?
Employment records help, but do little to show ones person responsibilities.
Of course there are always exceptions, but they at that point can be investigated individually.
20 years


Veteran Expediter
He who can take care of his own finances most likely will take care of his/her employers finances or investment as well.

Do you know that your credit is just as important as your driving record to auto/home owners insurance company. I know of people with terrible credit living in a $100K home paying over 3K a year for home owners. Crappy credit? Even my last employer disqualified you if you did not pay your bills on time.

Heres the basic reality of crappy credit and its a self inflicted wound except in the case of medical.

Jobs forget it Walmart wages at best.
Higher premiums for any $ borrowed
Higher cost for insurance
No Cell phone or higher rate and pay as you go
You might as well say on anything you are not paying cash for (screw me please).

Take your credit seriously as others DO.


Expert Expediter
Having good credit will open doors for you in life and do the opposite if you have bad credit.


Expert Expediter
Make sure if you apply for a job and they have you sign the forms that you get a copy of the privacy act statement, alot of companies will neglect to give you that form and then forward your credit info to other agencies without your approval, if you havent signed that form. If they do so anyway you have the right to sue them in state and federal court.

Beware of companies that use an Outsourced payroll company (ADT etc) to do payroll alot of these places have backdoor collection agencies and will pull your credit history without your knowledge and use it to their advantage.



Veteran Expediter
Everyone has told you well. Let me tell you from experience. Credit and property upkeep are the two things that really tell the story on people. Job history, in my opinion means nothing. If folks have good credit and take care of their own vehicles and home, Bingo, you got a pretty good shot at that person being a good and trustworthy employee.

I can tell you about my past drivers. The ones who seemed to be hard drivers, and I fell for,but had no money and lived in very bad run down areas, ran well but cheated me and destroyed my trucks. The one, maybe two, that where good honest people and I hired them for that reason, turned out to be honest and good with equipment but did not run well or could not stand the lifestyle.

Bottom line is that I gave up on hiring. I now drive full time myself but can tell you credit and the way they care for their own property is much more telling than is job history.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Raceman wrote;
Everyone has told you well. Let me tell you from experience. Credit and property upkeep are the two things that really tell the story on people. Job history, in my opinion means nothing. If folks have good credit and take care of their own vehicles and home, Bingo, you got a pretty good shot at that person being a good and trustworthy employee

I can't tell you how true that is.
Great advice!

20 years


Expert Expediter
Well all I can say to some of the replies on here is far as being an o/o driver and not the owner of the truck itself your going to have a bad credit report more than likely.

My husband is an operator for an owner and as just the operator the money just isn't there. We aren't starving or anything but sometimes we steal from Peter to pay Paul but in the end we pay. But our credit is bad because of slow pay.

As far as judging people on where they live well all I can say is we might not live in a great neighborhood but our house is kept up and as far as I know no one calls us white trash. I think that was a bit judgemental on your part raceman. Some people do what they can do, and what they can do isn't always alot. But saying that if they live in a run down neighborhood they are gonna treat your truck like #####, thats prejudice if I ever heard it.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard

Raceman was refering to the manner in which you maintain the home in which you live, not the neighborhood. Would you not agree that, regardless of the condition of your neighborhood, if you saw a well kept home and clean vehicle you might use this observation to determine how the driver would maintain your truck. On the other hand, a driver who lives like Jeff Foxworthy's comedic relatives, is likely to live the same way in an owner's truck.

All our members are saddened when we hear of pay problems you and your husband experienced; we hope you have a better experience the next time. Many of the carrier recruiters can give you references of owners who enjoy a good reputation with their drivers. Give 'em a try.
