Bath Premoistened Washcloths


Expert Expediter
We found a great solution when on the road and no time for showers or if we aren't near a shower. It won't work forever, of course, but it helps in between real showers. It is called Personal Cleansing Ultra Thick Premoistened Washcloths made by Sage. There are eight disposable washcloths in a package. You put the package in the microwave for one minute. So you end up with a nice warm washcloth which has aloe and Vitamin E. The hospitals use these for patients who can not get out of bed for showers.

We purchase them at Wal-Mart in the personal hygiene section.

I haven't seen a post about these before. Sorry if someone has already mentioned them. We wouldn't leave home without them!

Staying alive is nice, but you can't do that forever.
It's HOW you live the life you have while you have it. ih


Staff member
I have not seen these yet but they will be on my list to look for! Thanks for sharing.


Seasoned Expediter
We discovered these when Tod had surgery a little over two years ago.
I posted something about them ahortly after that time. It's great that you posted this because I take them for granted and forget to tell others about them.

A nice update for everyone. Thanks!

PS Walgreens carries a brand called Comfort Bath. I don't recommend them, they leave you feeling sticky. :(


Seasoned Expediter
Yes I may be a little spoiled but not nearly as much as I was when I woked a real job. This job makes you realize how tough you can be and makes you use any little bit of imagination you can to make life easier. Do I love it? you bet!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think this has been mentioned before,but just for an update.
Carol always goes to Sally's Beauty Supply and stocks upon N/R Laboratories"No-Rinse"Shampoo.Its about $7.00 a bottle,and is great at keeping her beautiful locks in order.

Benefits listed on the bottle...
+Requires no additional water
+self rinsing,easy combing
+contains no alcohol
+ph balanced


Expert Expediter
Started doing that when I started..Terry cloth in the micro. little soap, always good to take a layer off but you never get fully rinsed. this sounds a little red neck but ..a gallon of water in the micro 15 min 2 terry towels .. and I go to my box hang my clothes over the load lock .strip down soap up ang get fully showered right there in the box.. tough in the winter But in the summer .nothing feels better when that ac is not keeping up.. The box is like your own free space..