
Veteran Expediter
LOL!! yeap thats what the man said!!!

Chris Matthews Designates Obama as a Kennedy: 'Barack Is Now the Last Brother'

MSNBC host Chris Matthews appeared three times on Wednesday’s Today show to lionize Sen. Ted Kennedy, and twice he promoted Barack Obama as the "last brother" of the Kennedy political dynasty. He tried to clarify a little in his appearance in the 10am hour: "I don’t mean that in an ethnic sense or a black sense. I mean a brother of the Kennedy tradition. And I think he’s the new brother, not that last brother."

Rush Limbaugh joked on Wednesday that he wouldn’t be allowed by the media to use the word "brother" to describe Obama. During the 7am half-hour of Today, Matthews suggested Kennedy "took a while to grow up," but portrayed him as the great brother who ran for president not out of power lust, but to bring back the Jack-and-Bobby aura:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Roger Mudd asked him the best journalist question, perhaps of modern times, the hardball down the middle, not the curve ball, not the tricky one. "Why do you want to be president?"It took Ted Kennedy 70 words to get to the answer which was restoration. He just wanted to bring back what Bobby and Jack had given us. He wanted to be his brother's brother. And then he turned that torch over last year to Barack Obama.

And the great thing about the Kennedys is they always grew as a family. They tended to get better as they got older. Some families like the Long family of Louisiana, dissipated. This family got better. The Kennedy commitment to civil rights was almost accidental. It began because of history. '63 and Martin Luther King's march. By Bobby it became passion. By Teddy it became real. And then Teddy turns it over to the first African-American [president] says, "You got the ball." Amazing history. Barack is now the last brother. It's history......

Finish reading this article at the link above.


Veteran Expediter
The point is that we have lived under the shadow of a despicable family and been told they are royalty and so special but now the twisted logic behind that reasoning is being applied to the new messiah who is expected to carry the torch of the family - for what ever cuase they are fighting for.

What's worst is the people who are crying about his death as it was some passing of some prophet. Some (as illustrated on CNN) now are saying they will die because Kennedy was the only one who fought for them. One from Colorado was sobbing when she called one talk show, she said God has taken the only man that ever cared for her.


Veteran Expediter
The point is that we have lived under the shadow of a despicable family and been told they are royalty and so special but now the twisted logic behind that reasoning is being applied to the new messiah who is expected to carry the torch of the family - for what ever cuase they are fighting for.

What's worst is the people who are crying about his death as it was some passing of some prophet. Some (as illustrated on CNN) now are saying they will die because Kennedy was the only one who fought for them. One from Colorado was sobbing when she called one talk show, she said God has taken the only man that ever cared for her.

So what? how does this affect us?


Veteran Expediter
It affects all of us because people believed in this guy being their savior, even if they are from Texas, Colorado, California and Florida.

It affects us because of the blurring of the line between someone who represents them and someone who represents someone else.

When they stop worrying about what their representative does for them and start worrying about what some other elected official can do for them, then they're in trouble. The system is not working and they never support any change.

This manifests itself into something of a cult, people watch everything that happens to them, cry when they die happy when they are happy, and defend them to the end. The Kennedy family is a cult, and so are their followers.


Veteran Expediter
It affects all of us because people believed in this guy being their savior, even if they are from Texas, Colorado, California and Florida.

It affects us because of the blurring of the line between someone who represents them and someone who represents someone else.

When they stop worrying about what their representative does for them and start worrying about what some other elected official can do for them, then they're in trouble. The system is not working and they never support any change.

This manifests itself into something of a cult, people watch everything that happens to them, cry when they die happy when they are happy, and defend them to the end. The Kennedy family is a cult, and so are their followers.

I still say so what? Unworthy people are cannonized every day having not contributed a single thing to society. Singers, athletes, news commentators and politicians get acclaims and admonishments every day. Mr. Kennedy sure did commit at least one horrible crime in his life. It was unacceptable and he probably should have done some time for it. He also spent the rest of his life trying to do what is right for this country. I realize you would never attempt to see it that way but I do see it that way.


Expert Expediter
It affects all of us because people believed in this guy being their savior, even if they are from Texas, Colorado, California and Florida.

It affects us because of the blurring of the line between someone who represents them and someone who represents someone else.

When they stop worrying about what their representative does for them and start worrying about what some other elected official can do for them, then they're in trouble. The system is not working and they never support any change.

This manifests itself into something of a cult, people watch everything that happens to them, cry when they die happy when they are happy, and defend them to the end. The Kennedy family is a cult, and so are their followers.

Amen on the Cult Family!


Veteran Expediter
He also spent the rest of his life trying to do what is right for this country. I realize you would never attempt to see it that way but I do see it that way.

So did his father, from his bootlegging days, to the head of the SEC to telling the country that Hitler was not a threat while London was being bombed. Every turn of his life was also trying to do what is right for the country as he saw it.

His son was the same way, he didn't have to have a senate seat handed to him, he should have earn it just like his brother should have earned the presidency instead of having organize crime help him with it.

I don't buy the spent all his life trying for the country bit because most of what he has done has given us what we have today, a frickn' mess - from immigration reform of 1965 to some of the more insiginificant civil riights laws to the hate crime laws, all because of one man was trying to do what he think is right for the country?

Do I have to remind you that the immmigration system is in a mess because of those 1965 'reforms' that were not needed.

I hope this family political asperations end with this guy, we don't need his like around, the arrogant elitist who looks down on us.


Veteran Expediter
lets see, who said it...CM....

Chris Matthews, Presidential Speechwriter for Jimmy Carter?

Chris Matthews, Top aide to Democrat Speaker of the House, Tip O'Neill?

Chris Matthews, Aide to Two democratic Senators?

Chris Matthews, MSNBC talking head, he's democratic speechwriter

This was said so that the Sheeple will feel that barry is the Connection to the most liberal piece of garbage that ever sat as an elected senator....and one of the most corrupt political families in modern history...but some won't see that, they are blinded by the glow of the liberal socialist statist messiah......


Expert Expediter
I know one undeniable fact about Ted and his family. While they find endless ways to tax us to support their Royal lifestyle they hide their fortunes overseas in trust funds to avoid paying taxes that they create. And that's a fact !!


Veteran Expediter
I thought Barry was a Roosevelt .

Perhaps Obama could pass for Roosevelt Grier if he bulked up. I always admired Rosey Grier for the way he manhandled Sirhan Sirhan. Grier is now just an obscure footnote in American history. What a terrific guy.