Any thoughts on this?


Not a Member
This E-mail was received from a nameless small carrier. I am just looking for thoughts from other OO/drivers from carriers to see what they think of it.

All Ownwer/Operators:

I am happy to report to you, that I have just returned from the annual SCC ( Small Carriers Conference ). I will try to make a long story short. We discuss numerous topics, and issues. Somehow the current goverments policies came up. We all agreed with what the current administration is trying to do. Up to, and including a "share the wealth" idea. So we came up with a plan to enact such a policy. What we have decided to do is simply this.

The top 5% O/O's in our companys will share there earnings with the bottom 5%. This will help those that were less fortunate that week. Most of the top 5% will change week to week, just as the bottom 5% will.

We decided taking 10% off the top 5%'s earning and distribute it to the bottom 5% would be benefical to all at one time or another.

So begining 7/31/09 the top 5% earner's will have 10% of there pay taken out and distributed to the bottom 5%.

The SCC ( Small Carrier Conference ) consists of 82 carriers and ALL 82 are going to implement this into there programs at the same time


Not a Member
This is not a joke or a political statment. I know it seems like a political debate, unless I am being duped this is true and being considered by alot of small carriers, I am against it and truly looking for responses to this, Would you be for or against it?

Please lets not turn this into a political debate just your thoughts if your company implemented this.


Not a Member
I sure hope they dont do this.It just might end alot of careers for alot of great seasoned drivers out here.So why dont they do this in the office as well to help those out in the office? I bet THAT wont happen.I'm going to make a large glass of Captain Morgan right now.


Veteran Expediter
I think in addition to this the Pittsburgh Steelers should have to give up a Super Bowl Title to the Detroit Lions. It's not Detroit's fault that they got stuck w/ Matt Millen, William Clay Ford & those types of clowns while Pittsburgh has had quality ownership, generally good drafts, & excellent coaching.

On a serious note, it's times like this that I wonder if the constitution was written w/ saving politicians heads at times like these. We know we can get rid of crooks like Bush & Obama in 4 years. So therefore we just gripe a bit & deal w/ em. If this kind of economy was happening in say 1400 Europe (making up an example time, I'm not sure how Europe was holding up in 1400) people would be revolting & those types of thieves would be rightfully killed.

As for what I think of the idea. I think it's a basically theft. I hate it. I hate how the hard working person is constantly stolen from while politicians decide on how $$ is going to be spent. Sent to other countries. Given to friends in the form of contracts & such that isn't providing people their $$ worth. There's really no reason for our government to spend wisely because they're stealing our $$ & can always steal more when the blow what they've got.

I think of it like if some crack addict breaks into a house there's no way they're going to budget the $$. They're just going to break into another one when the funds run out. Only problem is our gov. officials aren't crack addicts. I hate to say it but they're actually pretty smart. Smart enough to keep on doing it & never having to pay for it.

Again, I hate the idea.


Seasoned Expediter
Sounds to me like Wing Attack Plan R.

For you movie folks that comes from Dr. Strangelove .......

By this I mean that it sounds like somebody, decided to go over the deep end, at that you need to get a confirmation from base.

Do you know how to find out, in reality where your e-mails are coming from. Because it doesn't take much to make an e-mail look like it came from someplace, that it never originated from.


Veteran Expediter
This E-mail was received from a nameless small carrier. I am just looking for thoughts from other OO/drivers from carriers to see what they think of it.

Thought 1: What's with the "nameless small carrier"? There must have been some name on the e-mail.

All Ownwer/Operators:
I am happy to report to you, that I have just returned from the annual SCC ( Small Carriers Conference ).

Thought 2:
When did you receive this e-mail? There was a SCC meeting in April.

I will try to make a long story short.

Thought 3: Short indeed! Something is missing.

Somehow the current goverments policies came up. We all agreed with what the current administration is trying to do. Up to, and including a "share the wealth" idea. So we came up with a plan to enact such a policy. What we have decided to do is simply this.

The top 5% O/O's in our companys will share there earnings with the bottom 5%. This will help those that were less fortunate that week. Most of the top 5% will change week to week, just as the bottom 5% will.

We decided taking 10% off the top 5%'s earning and distribute it to the bottom 5% would be benefical to all at one time or another.

So begining 7/31/09 the top 5% earner's will have 10% of there pay taken out and distributed to the bottom 5%.

Thought 4: Doug, this sounds like the perfect carrier for you.

The SCC ( Small Carrier Conference ) consists of 82 carriers and ALL 82 are going to implement this into there programs at the same time

Thought 5: If this is from an actual e-mail, then it has to be true. 82 for 1. 1 for 82. "Solid Man!" (Lincoln Hayes)

Thought 6: No signature on the e-mail?

Thought 7: Deleted by the thought police.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't believe any of it although if it is true then it is definitely the company Doug should work for since they are putting into practice what he believes in. Cal also should be a part of that group.


Veteran Expediter
Would you be for or against it?
Ok, I'll bite an give ya an answer:

Those who would be willing, or even eager, to enter into such an arrangement are basically criminal

As DannyD so rightly points out, all you have to do is think about it a little bit:

Those who it would appeal to are looking to get "something" (from others) for "nothing" (from themselves)

So what is a criminal ?

One who is unwilling themselves to produce, but yet desires to receive things of benefit from another, without being being willing to exchange anything of value in return.

Under such an arrangement there is no incentive to be productive, but there is certainly one to be idle .....

So let me ask you now Doug - how would such an arrangement seem to you ?


Retired Expediter
That sounds stupid some carriers already do that in the form of "Average Income" they get a printout every morning with income from all classes of trucks and dispatch from the bottom to spread the money around....indeed punishing the hard working truck that moves to good areas and stays alert.....
this isn't needed...


Not a Member
You are against it doug!?!? Please explain why you are willing to help out those that aren't doing as well and could use some of the harder worker wealth??? I mean it is the exact thing barry wants to do......

House bill to hit millionaires with 5.4 pct surtax | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Could we PLEASE leave politics in the soapbox.

I separate my politics and business decisions.

I am against Companies taking money from the best producers to give to the ones who produce less.

Please notice my absence from the soapbox lately, it is futile.


Veteran Expediter
I am against it 100%. It is truly being proposed though.

Doug this a Dem Program on the lines that are being shoved down or thoats right now by those in Washington. As you sit here day in and out tell us how great these programs are going to be for all of us I dont know why you would be against this one.


Expert Expediter
I am Totally 100% Against something Like this Whether it be In Trucking or Anywhere Else! The way I see it is that I Made My Money and I'm Gonna Keep It! If Those Under Performing want to make what I Make or Even Better, then They Just Might Want to Change their Business Practices and Not be so Lazy! Besides, I Don't Believe that they Could Just Go Ahead and Do That as there is a Contract Stating what they Can and Cannot do! I Believe that the Majority of Us Signed That One! :D


Veteran Expediter
The government must represent all the people, even those who are unable to contribute. Of course some like to assume the noncontributers are just lazy, but the fact is the majority are too young, too old, physically or mentally incapable, or temporarily unemployed. [Though the unemployment is getting much worse.] Those who are simply unwilling to work are a small minority of those who need help.
Carriers, on the other hand, are a business for profit, not intended to provide for those who need help, and they have zero obligation to provide for those who need help.
I think the email was a hoax, myself.


Veteran Expediter
Of course some like to assume the noncontributers are just lazy, but the fact is the majority are too young, too old, physically or mentally incapable, or temporarily unemployed. [Though the unemployment is getting much worse.]

Sorry Doug, there's no way you can put something like that up & not have people think something political. As to what Cheri said, in terms of numbers of recipients yes there are more who receive that are handicapped, elderly, etc.

In terms of $$$ spent though, there's a LOT more corporate welfare than there is to individuals. At the same time, relative to the amount of corporations that don't get free $$, most are hard working business people who do things by the book, pay their taxes, & then get shafted by both Dems & Reps in Washington.

I have zero problems w/ a person who worked for 30 years, handicapped person, even an elderly home maker, getting a check from our gov. That's a little different than this.

This kind of thing kills the desire to work. I don't get why they'd do it except to socialize our country. Dennis put up a link about millionaires getting hit. I almost put this next line up in my first post but erased it.

I have a friend who 15 years ago worked from 6AM to Midnite every day running his computer business. He put in hours that were beyond belief. I remember in 94, us sitting in his office, him telling me "Danny, 95 has got to be the year or I'm going to have to get a job." He was bummed. Putting in all that time & still almost not making it. So he perseveres & catches a nice account. Then word gets out & his company of 11 employees can't be beat by 2 billion dollar companies (EDS & Reynolds). Dealerships are screaming at those 2 because they're stuck in contracts w/ em. They buy my friends equipment, & still pay their contracts to EDS or Reynolds. btw/ in 15 some odd years he has a 100% retention rate of customers of dealerships still in business.

He still works from 5AM-6PM or so, even after all these years. Yea he's doing well. His reward for all this. Almost a 50% tax rate for his business.

The notion that most millionaires got there by swindling someone or doing something unethical is total bull. Most of em got there by busting their chops & to see almost half of it stolen from him makes me sick.

I can't challenge that this is a real email because I don't have any facts to prove it's false. At the same time, if it's real, I'm totally bewildered that someone would even think of it.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I am against it 100%. It is truly being proposed though.
As written, it's a load of crap. Too many lease contracts would prevent it, for one, and for two, no way all 82 small carriers would agree to anything, much less something that would quickly reduce every single one of them to a fleet of one power unit. Why make something like this up, post it here, and then profess that it's real?

Forrest Gump said it best.