Any GM van lock out tips?


Veteran Expediter
Ive figured its quite dificult to break into a GM van if you dont have an opening from the rear. Rented a Penskee cube unit yesterday, stopped for fuel, locked the keys in it and the road guy had to call for a locksmith.

At least I can get into my van but I have to disassemble the bulkhead to get to the drivers seat.

So, is there an easier way?

Bob Wolf.


Veteran Expediter
I have a spare key stashed. Never had to use, yet. A BFH will get you easy access to the cab, but then you have to deal with all those glass crumbles.


Veteran Expediter
The speed key / BFH was the next step.
Now, if it happened only a couple hours earlier I would have had it opened quickly as I Just delivered in East Hanover New Jersey.
I stashed an extra on my van too.

Bob Wolf.


Veteran Expediter
Ive figured its quite dificult to break into a GM van if you dont have an opening from the rear. Rented a Penskee cube unit yesterday, stopped for fuel, locked the keys in it and the road guy had to call for a locksmith.

At least I can get into my van but I have to disassemble the bulkhead to get to the drivers seat.

So, is there an easier way?

Bob Wolf.

I did a job for a Lock Smith a couple years back. He paid me with a lock picking kit and a lesson on how to open car doors. I thought it would be hard but it's really a piece of cake. I can do it now with two paper clips. Try talking to a lock smith and see if you can inspire him to give you a lesson.


Veteran Expediter
I had a spare key made at Walmart. It wont start the vehicle, but it will lock/unlock the doors. I keep the spare key on a ring with the back and side door keys. Ive always used a similar system so it's a definite habit to be sure I at least have that key ring in my left pocket. Right pocket gets the ignition key when not in use.


Veteran Expediter
I have a spare key stashed. Never had to use, yet. A BFH will get you easy access to the cab, but then you have to deal with all those glass crumbles.
where do you stash it? I know a couple of people that might have some fun with that bit of info :D


Veteran Expediter
Getting into Most Express body vans is fairly simple, you remoove the rear licence plate light, and use a screw driver or your finger and push up on the linkage. The rear door opens as long as the linkage is not busted or bound up. The linkage in the side doors is well protected. Most lockout tools are a waste of time the locksmith used an air blader and a long bendable to snag the lock. Im sure we all carry them.

Bob Wolf.


Seasoned Expediter
The doors have a lot of flex in them. I use a 2 flat heads wedge them thru the top n pry the door. Make sure to use a rag so you dont damage the paint. You should have enough room to use a stick or something to hit unlock.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have my main key I use to unlock/start/drive the van plus a second factory key with the chip in it that came with the van that I carry in my pocket with my spare key for the spare tire lock. I also have a $2 key that's just a plain metal key that will unlock any of the doors but won't start/drive the van in the same pocket. I've got a second cheap metal key stored away at home along with the third factory key that will start/drive the van, either/both of which could be overnighted to me if I manage to lose all the others somewhere.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I always kept a spare key in my wallet. And I've used those magnetic key boxes hidden up under the frame or bumper. With the Sprinter, I always carry a spare key fob in my pocket, mainly just to quickly unlock the rear doors at pickup or delivery if I've forgotten to unlock them before I got out. It's really hard to lock your keys in a Sprinter. The remote won't even work if there is a key in the ignition. But you can lock the doors, then exit out the rear doors, manually locking the rear door before you close it, and it'll stay locked, so it's possible to lock your keys in a Sprinter.

Then again, at least for the 06s and earlier, a screwdriver and 10 seconds will pop out the triangle window and you're in. That's comforting.


Veteran Expediter
I have a spare key stashed. Never had to use, yet. A BFH will get you easy access to the cab, but then you have to deal with all those glass crumbles.

That's called "reverse Murphys law." I bet if you decided to leave that spare key at home one day you would almost certainly lock yourself out of the van. lol


Veteran Expediter
That happened one time with my international I left the extra key at home and Im in Brooklyn parked at a grocery store. I get out to buy some groceries when I lock the keys in the truck. After getting the vent window open I reach in to try opening the door, ofcourse just my luck, an N.Y.P.D. blue and white pulls up as I am dangling from the window. Yep they were with the vehical theft squad and just happened to stop for at the fast food joint for lunch. Luckily I had my company shirt on so after Tellng them what was up I managed to open the door I still had to show I.D.

Bob Wolf.


Active Expediter
With my 2012, it will not lock with the key in the ignition. Period, end of story. I even tried to lock it manually and it won't.....that being said.....

I keep a spare hidden on the frame, ALWAYS. I also check weekly to make sure its still there. I also have a habit of making sure I have my keys IN MY HAND before I hit the lock switch. (I have locked my keys in the car before and its a pain in the rear to wait, especially at 1 in the morning in the cold with NOTHING for miles thats open.) So I'm a little bit anal about where my keys are when I lock the doors.

Never hurts to have spare keys, keep them where you need to. I know you can keep them in your wallet even. With a remote keyless, its easier, as you just make a habit to lock the doors with the remote....then you know where it is when you lock up.

Being local does have a minor advantage here, as the spare you keep at home isn't THAT far away.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A lot of guys talk about keys hidden on the frame etc. but I'd never do that. Either Murphy would see to it that it fell off the day before I needed it or some clever thief would find it and use it when I was inside eating dinner or showering or whatever. No, that's why I wear big boy pants with pockets and have two spare keys in the pockets in addition to the primary key I use all the time. It may not be foolproof but it's more secure than any other method.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't carry two spare keys in my pocket. I carry one spare that's the expensive with a chip unlocks/starts/everything key in one pocket and I carry a second one that's just a cheap metal unlock in case of a lockout key in another pocket.