an intelligent observation 2/3 of a century early


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My favorite uncle, along with all 10 others on both my mom and dad's side, was in World War 2. He gave me a hand written recollection of his entry into the war. At one point he said "Congress either through pressure from a few of the people or ignorance did not authorize a large army or navy until it was almost too late.". Our current situation with the war with the radical and evil side of Islam mirrors that statement. We again are faced with a congress that is failing to do their duty to protect the Constitution and our nation. Perhaps World War 4 needs to be when we take the entire bunch of them out and replace them with ongoing batches of single 6 year term limited folks who could not hold another national office and so should have the nation's interest in mind and not their reelection campaign.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
RE: an intelligent observation 2/3 of a century ea

For what we were expecting at the time (2001) we had an adequate sized military. IN the last decade or so, we have gone away form a cold war type mentality (masses of troops and equipment to feed into a US vs USSR grinder) to a smaller lightweight more mobile and rapidly deployable mentality.

For what we normally do this works fine. Yes some units are heading back for 3rd tours and possibly 4th, but should this be unrealistic or unexpected? We are after all at war. Until Korea and Viet Nam troops could expect to be deployed till the war was over.

Personally, I am about done with my 2nd year here in Afghanistan. I am becoming a little ragged around the edges, but overall I am doing OK. if I could do a year on and home for a year, it would not bug me too much I do not think. I will say however, I am single. I am sure that makes quite a bit of difference.
