2006 model 268 oíl cooler replacement

Fernando Alvarez

New Recruit
Hello members
I'm new here I would like if someone can give me some advice
If the oil cooler it's leaking antifreeze to the outside of the engine
Do I need to replace everything including the oil cooler and the housing
How hard it's to replace that.
Tyvm in advance 1000009153.jpg

Monkey with Wrench

New Recruit
Hello Fernando,

Done quite a few of these oil cooler reseals. No need to replace any hard parts such as the oil cooler. Hino only uses wet sealant to install the oil filter housing. Usually we just remove the housing, clean, apply silicone and reinstall. Hino recommends let dry overnight before adding coolant into the system. We also replace the 3 blue O rings (SZ301-25004) since the cooler is off for precaution. It does not show in your parts break down. Removing the turbo allows access to the oil cooler, then pretty straight forward.