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    Big Black Bird

    Today it was raining in Knoxville and right there coming north on 75 right after it splits off from 640 a big black bird came out of nowhere and hit my windshield...hard. it was the damndest thing, I saw him coming at me, and wondered when he was going to turn away...and fly another day. He...
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    women only???

    Theres a company advertising for "women drivers only" called "tea cup express" Hypothetically speaking here if a company advertised for stricly male drivers wouldnt all hell break loose?
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    one S. Claus has been detained and is now being inspected by a ruthless D.O.T. officer, a full class one inspection. It seems he was initially pulled over for throwing some type of bottle out of his sled. This could be big trouble, the reindeers dont have proper rabies inoculation documentation...
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    Canada I like runnin Canada

    Just got my fast card approval letter, and have to go do that interview deal... Anyway the miles are good usually going in and out of there, my company pays a decent little amount for going over and back. The only thing that I dont quite understand up there is why is everything so expensive...
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    Service might be a little slow here today

    Just a picture I found somewhere