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  1. C

    Independent or Company...

    I did both the class-a through a school training and then got my class-b on my own. If I had to do it again I would skip the school and grab the class-b first - just to see if you like this kind of work without investing alot of cash.
  2. C

    DOT Medical card question..............

    I have found that some carriers will accept your valid DOT physical card while others will prefer you take another physical by their preferred doctor. Just ask - and they will tell you what they need.
  3. C

    Are These The Bad Times?

    Like the one post said, what is bad for him, may be good for you. I think not every indicator, report or situation is going to fit everyone's game plan. If freight is not moving for one plant for one carrier that same plant could have plenty of freight for another carrier based upon service...
  4. C

    18 Wheelers just don't like me

    I would agree - don't worry about it, simply pull pack around him for a bit and sooner or later your time will come to move around him. Heck, he is in his own world too and more than likely doesn't even notice you trying to move about him. Like the other post said - there are other things to...
  5. C

    Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the sto

    WOW! Please tell me this is an error - cause anyone taking this job must be really out of their mind? The ad which came up as a rotating ad on the below address - stated like 44-cents for a straight truck! There you have it...
  6. C

    Unofficial loads

    I have been told by one carrier no loads on your own while another has sure go ahead. Keep in mind it will vary from carrier to carrier so just ask. For those that will allow it they will more than likely ask for part of the 'cut'. Either way ASK BEFORE YOU MOVE IT!
  7. C

    Load payment - is it negotiable?

    I have a rate and that is what I try to get at all times. I may take a reduced rate if I am in a bad traffic lane or I have been sitting for awhile. There is alot of things to consider before turning a trip down - but there is alot of things to consider when taking one as well. What is the...
  8. C

    Looking into Expediting

    My thought after running a van last year and just know going into a straight truck is - get rid of the van. There is too may of them out there and most of them can sit for days on days. Whereas, I have been going anywhere from 3-4000 miles per week in my straight truck and have ONLY sat still...