Driving Solo


Seasoned Expediter
In 2005, a friend and I embarked as team drivers for FXCC and had the time of our lives. We'd still be out there if it wasn't for the fact that home time was rare, and he was missing his kids. Oh well, live and learn... being from CA, we figured out pretty quickly that home visits were few and far between. For me, it wasn't an issue, my kids are grown.
I've been thinking alot about getting back out there, maybe as a solo van driver, or finding someone to team with. One thing I know for sure is that if you're going to team, you'd better really like the person you're driving with! I see ads here from men looking for a female team driver, and I wonder how often those types of situations ever work out?
I would love to be able to find someone who would be willing to team. The other option is to drive solo in a van, which also appeals to me. Obviously I'd need to find an owner to contract with, and I already know there are owners out there who are devious and dishonest. Is there any way to research an owner before you sign on with them?
The other questions I have are typical ~ safety, unfamiliarity with certain areas, where to park etc. The forums are great for research, but it's always nice to have information on a personal level, too.
Women, any experiences to share?


Seasoned Expediter
Hello: I am also new to this site but not trucking... You are right about having fun
teaming.. and making more money.. BUt it is so peaceful being by yourself it not
losing sleep or trying to sleep with the truck moving all the time...There are a few good
owners out there and you have probably put the word out as best you can with this
site... I do know of someone who has striaght trucks if you are interested?? I have been
doing this for 10 years after getting out of a flat bed.. Would not go back.. Love it..


Veteran Expediter
Welcome, Lambie!
Having driven for FECC, you already know quite a bit, and there are several threads in the archives about safety, and choosing an honest and compatible owner - it just takes time to find & read them.
And if you've already teamed with a guy, you know that it's different in good ways [he's likely to have the mechanical knowhow and physical strength you may lack, while you're probably better at communication and accounting] and bad, too, like, if he has a jealous wife, or is a bit too 'macho' for your comfort. But then, other women have faults as well, so if you want to team, you find the most compatible codriver, whatever the gender.
The best way to evaluate a potential owner is to talk to current and former drivers - any reputable owner will give you a couple names.
It's important to just listen to your 'gut' feelings, too. You want to work with someone whose style [casual, Type A, fussy, mellow] matches yours, right?
Good luck, hope you get back to enjoying it! :)