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  1. Doggie Daddy

    The Ronald Reagan presidential library

    We had a great trip to the Ronald Reagan presidential library in Simi Valley, CA. yesterday. All of the exhibits were great, but the centerpiece of the library IMHO was Air Force 1. It was awesome to get the opportunity to tour this historic aircraft. We had no problems finding parking for our...
  2. Doggie Daddy

    Reagan library

    We had a great time yesterday visiting the President Ronald Reagan library. It was awesome to be able to tour Air Force 1, had no problem taking a D unit up on top of the mountain. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  3. Doggie Daddy


    i'm sure by now that everyone has heard about the new, colorized $20 bills that are now in circulation. but have you seen the new $200 bills?