Search results

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    Yeller Panther Van

    Anybody out there in a Chev/GMC Panther van painted bright yellow. I saw you in Chesterfield Indiana Fri eve. Nice ride.
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    Sick Garmin

    I recently got a refurbished Garmin Nuvi 760 GPS. My daughter used my car to drive about three hours to southern Indiana. All was well going down. Coming home, she said the screen was blocked by another screen that said the unit was downloading Bluetooth software. Luckily she found her way...
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    How Much

    Just curious, how much does a basic entry level C truck cost? No, I'm not looking to buy. Again, just curious. I know, there are a lot of variable, just ball parking. Thanks
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    Tire Thumper

    Reading a catalog recently and they had a "tire thumper". The short baseball bat type thingie that truckers used to or still do check their tires for pressure. It mentioned that some states could consider this as a concealed weapon. Any thoughts on this?
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    Tranny adjustment

    I recently read in my paper copy of the Expediter maggie about a couple and their transmission. I think the couple was the Cafees. Not sure about the name. Anyhoo, they said for increased fuel mileage they had their transmission changed from a 5 speed to a 6 speed. As I understood the...
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    Tire Air Pressure

    Since somebody out there knows something about practically everything, I want to throw out this question: My 08 Chev Impala lets me know when my tire is low on air. For example it might tell me my right rear tire is low. If I rotate my tires, how does the car know which tire is then low. Are...
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    Aerocell With Red Thingie

    Recently saw a white GM van with an Aerocell type body. Had a small decal on door that I couldn't read. Also had a red something mounted on the front bumper. Generator, maybe? Does it belong to anybody out there? Saw it off exit 22, I69 in Indiana. Heading south, possibly heading towards I 70
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    Plastic Pipe Bunk

    In a conversation with another person recently we were discussing cargo van bunks. Most of them being made out of plywood that is heavy. I brought up the idea of having the bunk frame made of 1-1/2 or 2 inch plastic pipe. It would be strong and it could support a piece of plywood for the top...
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    Van Pre Trip

    I always did my pre trip inspection AFTER a delivery, as soon as I returned to the Wally World parking lot/truck stop/campground. Got fuel, checked lights, wipers, etc. Then I did whatever. Sleep, etc. If and when a load offer came I was ready to roll. If you log, can you do it that way, or...
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    Christmas loot

    OK,people, what kind of good truckin' stuff did Sanny Claws leave for you guys? I got a heavy base for my Garmin. I didn't like the stickum on base that came with it. :+ :+
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    Need suggestions for GPS mounting

    Hello, all. Got a new Garmin GPS for my 4 wheeler recently. It has a double sided sticky tape disc with a suction cup that holds all this to the dash. The dash is rough and the tape won't stick. The suction cut will work on the windshield but it blocks my wife's vision. Any suggestions for...