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    After 18 years no longer with Fed Ex Custom Critical.

    It was a good while it lasted, but like with most all good things it was time to move on. My wife and I took our truck and trailer are now with Landstar Ranger. We have been up and running for about 6 weeks . That had been long enough to take some time and reflex and compare the 2 companies. I...

    Rates continue to rise.

    Rates continue big upswing in May as reefer, flatbed set records | Commercial Carrier Journal A good friend and mentor sent me this today. Any comments from the EO community?

    Fed Ex T-Val Trailer.

    Fed Ex O-O T-Val trailer. Saw this today where we loaded. Can't believe the customer loaded this trailer.

    "LATE" delivery?

    I just can't believe that we were 'charged' with a late delivery on a little short run we did on a Friday of this month. The run picked up in Philadelphia (area), PA going to York, PA, 81 miles of 2 lane backroads, bumper to bumper Friday traffic. There was no way we were going to make the...

    Tractor to straight truck conversion.

    With our temperature control trailer nearing the 10 year old limit we are thinking about not replacing it, but going into 'semi' retirement and converting our tractor into a CR unit. Can anybody give us some advice on who we talk to about how to go about it? Right now we have a 132" ARI...