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  1. R

    Have Faith

    Thanks for the laugh. I like the second one best...
  2. R

    Rememberence of all

    Thanks. I appreciated the contribution.
  3. R

    battle hymn of the republic

    Amen. This needs to be brought back into our schools. God bless.
  4. R

    Dumb Kid

    You got to love it. Not so dumb after all, heh? Thanks for the laugh.
  5. R

    Lessons in Leadership From the Ultimate Leader

    Thanks for sharing. When you need to be lifted all you have to do is to read something positive. God bless.
  6. R

    what an idea

    If truckers have to give their fingerprints for HazMat endorsements then the whole nation should. This way the person going in for Welfare will have them already on file. COOL BEANS...
  7. R

    what an idea

    Now that is a great idea. Maybe also give a fingerprint as well. You know to make sure they are legally getting assistance.
  8. R

    A visit to Starbucks

    What a hoot!!!!
  9. R


    RE: Science? Technology will continue to go forward because it has to. It has to keep up in order to clean up the mess we made for ourselves. Anyway, as always I enjoyed the post. I like to read the differences of opinions.
  10. R


    RE: Science? These things we call "progress" are going to kill us! Big businesses polluting our environment, water supplies, food supplies, and soils. You cannot even eat fish every day because of the mercury levels in them. Let's not forget all the new diseases that so-called "evolved". Have...
  11. R

    11 Million Illegal Immigrants

    Bravo! Thanks for the post Greg. You speak the "truth" of the matter. This problem is not a race issue. It is about all the points you made.
  12. R

    Build Me a Bridge

    A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish." The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I...
  13. R

    Prayer, faith and worship while on the road

    Thanks for the wonderful post.
  14. R

    A Prayer Upon Waking

    Dear God, so far today, I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, and I haven't lost my temper. I haven't been grumpy, nasty or selfish, and I'm really glad of that! But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot of help. Thank you! Amen.
  15. R

    Believe in Miracles

    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Prayer is an amazing thing:-)
  16. R

    Believe in Miracles

    I asked because my 20 yo daughter had recently hit the floor for no reason, and stopped breathing. She did not go into a comma state, but noone knows why she did this. After this incident, she was in a car accident. While at the hospital they ran a Cat scan on her and the doctors found...
  17. R


    RE: My Hero!!!! Well-said Hopefully they (bad politicians) all like Kool-Aid. I am with you with the bottoms up comment. Hee hee. I about died with laughter.
  18. R

    Believe in Miracles

    Thank God! Did they ever find the cause?