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  1. paulnstef39

    POLL Fitness Club Membership

    What's a gym again?
  2. paulnstef39

    CDL Medical Experience December 2015

    Last year I went in for my Medical card from a new doctor. After his staff did the basic testing, he looked at my list of medications and diagnosis, he kept pointing at his training manual, grabbed me by the arm, walked me to the front desk, handed me back my paperwork, and instructed his front...
  3. paulnstef39

    16 Health Benefits from Drinking Warm Lemon Water

    Hey a Parade! Oops, just got rained on... :ohsnapcouch:
  4. paulnstef39

    Dried Fruit: Good or Bad?

    Dried fruit = God's candy.
  5. paulnstef39

    l am in this study...

    My overall cholesterol has dropped to 73 from mid 200s and my bad cholesterol has dropped to 18. l am not supposed to know this but l had my regular Dr. do a cholesterol test on the down low. My cardiologist went into shock when l showed him my blood test results. Cant show the study Doctor...
  6. paulnstef39

    Riding a bike Some cool looking bikes. Post #100 for me.
  7. paulnstef39


    Supposedly when you move to a new part of the country, you should eat locally grown honey. The thinking is that it reduces allergies to local pollen. Always heard this, never googled it...
  8. paulnstef39

    Need advice - no insurance - heart attack

    The dead line to sign up is tomorrow. No harm can come from getting some insurance. My heart attack was $158,000 and l was only there 2 days.
  9. paulnstef39

    Need advice - no insurance - heart attack

    sign up for obamacare - they take pre-existng condtons