Recent content by Tomtom

  1. T

    Employer STEALS my last two checks. Who do I contact?

    Are you a contractor or an employee? If an employee (not likely in this business) then you file with the state EOC. If contractor, you would need to go to court. Small claims likely. But if you want to try and get your money and a pound of flesh, I would file with EOC and put this guy and...
  2. T

    T&K and Whirlwind Unpaid Drivers

    I hope no one pays money until something is collected. Over the years I have seen plenty of scams around this. And you can find companies that will take it on contingency. We have collected in the past because the shipper just wanted it to go away. It helps to be the first in on these types...
  3. T

    Independent Contractor or misclassification?

    Who do you pay? I haven't found any carrier that pays the driver with exception of those that bring the driver on as an employee and then also pay the fleet owner. A two pay system. I understand the financial reasons why so many swear up and down that this is legal. But proof is in case law...
  4. T

    Interesting article on XPO

    Not sure why you would think they are moving away from expedite. Seem to be only buying business that support the model. They could have bought a ton of TL brokers if that was the case.
  5. T

    Does it seem like more companies are skimming

    Really.? Hypothetical. Everyone knows John is as stand-up, as straight a shooter as it comes in this business. Doesn't keep anything from his drivers. Now imagine he was hiding something like this? Would you not ask if it was so innocent why not be upfront about it? So if you would question...
  6. T

    Does it seem like more companies are skimming

    Hmm, I'm 73 and been around this business longer than most. I understand the business model and no issue with it. But why hide it if it is all legit? Why wouldn't the carrier just be honest?
  7. T

    Does it seem like more companies are skimming

    Crich, that does you no good if that carrier has a brokerage in a different name and never disclouses that they own that company. You see the rate con and all looks good. John, ok, so would the secret company build the management fee back into the rate?
  8. T

    Does it seem like more companies are skimming

    Really? This isn't about double brokering. It is about a carrier that also has brokerage starting a third company, keeping it hidden and sending loads to the carrier as a brokered load. Contractually legal, morally bankrupt. Because I'm hearing it second hand I'll not drop names.
  9. T

    Does it seem like more companies are skimming

    Small, percentage based carriers seemed to be the ones doing this in the past but it is feeling like the norm across the board these days. And worse, drivers just accept it. "It's wrong but technically legal. And they treat me well." ??? That is what a driver told a couple of us last...
  10. T

    T&K Trucking

    It is funny how people who have never used Sylectus, or used it to any real level, that can't qualify feel it is a right. When reality is it is a marginal TMS at best and a good way for already connected carriers to share loads.
  11. T

    Power napping

    Do this all the time. Use a meditation cd. 10-15 before I'm ready to stop I put the cd on. When I stop I move to a track that is geared towards how long I want to nap. The last couple minutes are designed to bring you out of sleep. I set my alarm but since I learned how to use them I'm always...
  12. T

    Adding a van

    Don't worry about the IRS. It is the state and WC. And my point was not to be like all the others but to invest in a more stable business. I have not meet a person getting into this business that has a real business plan. Because those that do craft one run from the sprinters and cargos. If...
  13. T

    T&K Trucking

    Someone has some issues. What does the business model have to do with this? Businesses tend to fail when you put the revenue into personal consumption.
  14. T

    T&K Trucking

    Wouldn't worry about him getting back in the business. He started when it was easy to get the contacts. Now, non-asset based company like that would be almost impossible to get any kind of momentum.
  15. T

    Embracee The Stupidity

    Some companies are so blatant about it that you don't have to do any research. They open a 3PL and house them in the same building.