Recent content by springrivergroup

  1. S

    So you have a gun in your truck?

    If someone has already entered the truck then I think the best choice is a large caliber hand gun and the skill and will to use it without hesitation or remorse. Unfortunately many of us are forced to enter or work in designated unarmed victim zones, and those who put us in that position take...
  2. S

    So you have a gun in your truck?

    Personally I don’t realy need a gun, I have a truck. What is the difference between being shot and being run over by my truck? The bullet doesn’t backup to finish the job.
  3. S

    So you have a gun in your truck?

    when you have to ask if you can do something then it is not a right
  4. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    and now this the search power widens look at this link Home your castle? Not anymore is it the rule of law or the rule of men?
  5. S

    From the dark side..............

    In 04 we did about $200k to the truck in a drybox stear tires were about $400 a set out the door could get a pm done for $99 two could eat a good meal at a truck stop for $20 with drinks and salid bar and our cost for fuel was about $0.165 per mile to move the truck $225k today is not as...
  6. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    If its a random test by definition its an unreasonable test.
  7. S

    Simple question, maybe.

    money management, and what ATeam said
  8. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    The constitution gives congress the power "... regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes" . ,however, it expressly forbids the unreasonable search weather regulating commerce or not. A random test is an unreasonable test by definition.
  9. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    Sexual assault does not necessarily involve sexual intent, it is an unwelcome physical contact with the genitalia or breasts.
  10. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    Not my call. A former Miss USA was sexually molested by TSA at Dallas airport where the agency employee touched her vagina four times and felt her breasts. She is now telling her story, encouraging others to take a stand for liberty and said the government practice is "a total violation of...
  11. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    And yet you make my point again. The constitution gives congress the power "... regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes" .,however, it expressly forbids the unreasonable search weather regulating commerce or not. A random test is an...
  12. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    You really are making my point. We live in a lawless land where the criminals are the ones making the rules and demanding that the lawful person obey them. Wickard v. Filburn is a good example of that. Men (the SC) made a decision in a case that is contrary to the written law. Then other...
  13. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    A random drug test is a search of your person. From Random –adjective 1. Proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers. Reason –noun 1. A basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc...
  14. S

    Using Hair for a drug test

    All random drug test or searches are a direct violation of Section 242 of Title 18 of the United States Code, and punishable by fines and or imprisonment, or death. United States Code is supreme to DOT or any company rules. Don’t says it’s the law to have random drug test when the actual...
  15. S

    FedEx Ground ISP Transition, Expediting Ramifications?

    Contractor or employee is a tax issue and the IRS is not completely clear on it. Generally a contractor is defined by how work is done. A job is defined and a contractor uses their experience and judgment to select which of their tools and equipment to use and how to perform the work...