Recent content by JackDalton

  1. JackDalton

    Kenworth mp3 player

    My first question is whether there is a USB connection available? Question 2 is whether the device recognizes and/ or plays the connected device? 3rd question is if that system allows for storage of MP3's? My suggestion is to just get some headphones and an MP3 player, its way easier...
  2. JackDalton

    Laptops computers

    Joe, I bought one of those about 7 months ago while I was drivin. I wish i had bought it sooner, my laptop was already pretty banged up from the truck ride. The Laptop bag was nice because I needed to take it out of the truck on weekends. It used to take me forever to pack up my laptop, once...
  3. JackDalton

    Obama restores rank of disgraced Vietnam general

    Talk about a pathetic outcome...the General's dead, Nixon's dead, and 30 years later an illegitimate President forces a four-star general, Stanley McChrystal, to resign. Maybe in 2040, the elected president can restore McChrystal's position and clear his name! On another note, why...
  4. JackDalton

    TV on the road

    SPRINT Mobile Broadband CUSTOMERS- I used to work at a Sprint call center so I thought I would shed some light on the whole data cap thing. Sometime in 1Q 2009 I believe, Sprint changed the 5 GB policy so that you are actually billed for going over the 5 GB limit.It bills at $.05/MB. Now, I...
  5. JackDalton

    Printer ink problem

    Check this site out for suggestions, i wouldn't use alcohol if I were you. How to Fix a Dry Ink Cartridge |