Recent content by catshavestaff

  1. C

    Home Time Didn't Work - DH 2200 miles UT to NC

    Quote: What is the problem? She told you to head home. I would rather have that than some sugar coated bs about "maybe we will find you a load" People have to be alittle more self reliant and look at these areas PRIOR to going to them. Forget about hometime and all that other bs. Either figure...
  2. C

    Home Time Didn't Work - DH 2200 miles UT to NC

    Wayne and I had a similar bad experience with the Panther Home Time Program. On a load from GA to Edwards AFB in CA, I called Panther to put us on the Home Time Board. When I told the Dispatcher where we lived (Lubbock, TX) she said, "Well, you'd better just head on home now." Tone of voice...
  3. C

    And Still More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Da

    RE: And Still More Things to Learn in Your First 9 Yes, we've been staying at the bigger chains, and sometimes they're o.k., but we've also started to try to pay attention to when rest areas are nearby. We're trying to learn to strike a balance between the fuel it takes to get off the beaten...
  4. C

    Feline Frustration

    >Is it catshavestaff, or, catshavestaph? Wonder'in if it was >misspelt? Let me clarify the origin of my user name for ya' Colonel, sir. I have a cat. He is big. He has seven toes on each front foot. He thinks he owns me. He thinks I am his servant. Dogs have masters. Cats have staff...
  5. C

    And Still More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Da

    Sooooo...we're sitting in the kajillionth nasty truckstop, ( I know, "kajillionth" is not a word, but it IS descriptive), and wondering where all you experienced drivers sit when you're waiting for a load offer or on layover for a Monday morning pickup? I've seen that some folks sit in the...
  6. C

    Feline Frustration

    Below from a PM from BroomPilot to me: Obviously you did not investigate very hard. Our company does not put us thru Day Care. Right into making $ by passing Elementary, High School and into the Real World of making $. That is unacceptable to be beeped at 3 AM for a corporate memo...
  7. C

    More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Days

    That's kind of what we thought as well, unless we were really missing something. We figured we would have to become good at fuel shopping, though, and manage the aspects of consumption that we could, such as idling and speed, and keeping up the maintenance and getting repairs ASAP.
  8. C

    More Photos of SuperTruck & MATS

    I'd like to request captions on these pictures...I'd like to know who all these folks are!
  9. C

    Feline Frustration

    >And you are supposivly SELF EMPLOYED Daily Inspection >Reports? Do you not allready mail these in on a timley >basis that you need to be reminded by a BEEP? No, Broom, since we're on paperless logs, the DVIR, which is normally on the paper log, is submitted electronically, just as the logs...
  10. C

    More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Days

    What are those green circles on your map, Jim?
  11. C

    More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Days

    >We use Streets and Trips software to chart where we pickup >and also deliver loads. This is a quick over view of the >country and all loads are dated. I have a spread sheet that >we use to track all loads including dead head, dispatcher, >load weights, and all miles and pay. We also use...
  12. C

    More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Days

    > Do you have a laptop with GPS? Yes, we do..using the CoPilot for Trucks version 9, with the Canada dataset...we like it very much, and only wish our truck had a mount for the laptop..we put it on the seat facing the driver with the screen brightness turned down at's not perfect...
  13. C

    Things to learn in your first 90 days

    >Yes, expediting has its agrivations. But so did the jobs we >left to become expediters (big time!). We have been at this >3.5 years now and every day still feels like a weekend. >Attitude is everything. It's true that it's all in your perspective, once you've formed one that is...when I...
  14. C

    More Things to Learn in Your First 90 Days

    Wow, guys, great information! Speed and sweetspots - ours sits about 58...tach is at 1100, and the engine just sounds good. Eating - we are big fans of sandwiches and chips (NOT), and eat out only once a day or less, usually less...our frig is very small and we do get really tired of soup and...