Recent content by Bob and Hooligan

  1. Bob and Hooligan

    may roll call

    Thanks Chef, It is good to be back. I looked at getting a real job, but decided that after 14 years in expediting, I was stuck. Road Hooligan
  2. Bob and Hooligan

    may roll call

    Hello, New to Bolt. How do you check the alliance board? They didn;t cover that in orientation. Road Hooligan
  3. Bob and Hooligan

    may roll call

    Just getting used to the Bolt system. I am at home in Knoxville for the holiday. Hope to get a run on Tues. Look forward to runing into some of you guys on the road. Road Hooligan B524
  4. Bob and Hooligan

    Acceptance Rate and Fuzzy Math

    As both a former council member and former Panther Partner, I can tell you that the council which ended it's term in December is not responsible. Now the new council only had one meeting. I would advise you to check with your council rep. Don't believe everything that the guy who looks like...
  5. Bob and Hooligan

    Acceptance Rate and Fuzzy Math

    The bottom line is that you MUST be good children and take all loads. Don't bring logic into this. Don't you know that the powers that be are trying to save their jobs? Have some compassion. I doubt the Driver's council had anything to do with these new changes. You can contact them...
  6. Bob and Hooligan

    Read Your Contract!

    I have talked to others who have had simular problems, but with different issues. It appears that the company has some real problems with their printer. I didn't realize that a printer changed anything that was given them to print. If I didn't know better, I would think that the problem may...
  7. Bob and Hooligan

    Cherri, Panther should change printers. Although, it looks like most of the errors are in...

    Cherri, Panther should change printers. Although, it looks like most of the errors are in their favor. Maybe the printer is doing what they want. Life is okay. I did one run for the other guys this week. It is about what I would have gotten from Panther withoug the cost. Still...
  8. Bob and Hooligan

    Read Your Contract!

    I recently parted with a company who is located in Saville, OH. I took off the Qualcom myself, and drove it up to deliver it to the company. When I got the summary of my expenses, I noticed a charge of $250.00 for Qualcom Processing. I found this to be excessive because the only thing the...
  9. Bob and Hooligan

    EO 10 year's

    It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years. I was passing through Cincinnati, when Lawrence contacted me on the CB. He asked if I had a computer, and told me to check out his new web site. I thought it was very well done then, and is still the place to go for anyone in the business...
  10. Bob and Hooligan

    Knoxville meeting

    I plan on being there. Look forward to seeing old friends. Road Hooligan
  11. Bob and Hooligan

    I am sorry

    Thank you. I am sorry for the trouble I caused Expediters Online. I really didn't know that we were not supposed to mention names. On a brighter note, I don't have to deal with those problems anymore. Road Hooligan
  12. Bob and Hooligan

    Thanks for the tip. Called Matt, and they aren't putting any vans on now. Bob

    Thanks for the tip. Called Matt, and they aren't putting any vans on now. Bob
  13. Bob and Hooligan

    I am sorry

    I mentioned a person's name at Panther, and I am sorry if I offended anyone. I have left the company in Seville for greener pastures. Wish everyone well. Road Hooligan
  14. Bob and Hooligan

    The Impending Obama Meltdown

    Looks like the kind of newspaper you read is found in the checkout line at the 7/11. The National Lampoon contains more news. Road Hooligan
  15. Bob and Hooligan

    The Impending Obama Meltdown

    Do you have any thoughts of your own? Road Hooligan