Fuel for Thought

Workin for a run!

By Dale
Posted Jan 4th 2010 5:33AM

           Well, the title of this blog was almost "Too big again!"... I arrived for my pickup this morning, and the box was too big... again!  I was immediately into full blown frustration.  It was a sealed wooden crate, picked up at a freigt forwarder, and the given dimensions were off by TWO INCHES... just enough that it would not clear my van doors.  So, I called dispatch, explained the problem, and she conferenced the customer on the line.  He OK'd me to take one of the sides off the crate, see how the machine was oriented in the crate, and how it was fastened. He said if it was secured properly, I could lay it on it's back, and it wouldn't hurt it.

         So, a dozen wood screws later, we confirmed it was indeed strapped to a framework, and could be laid on it's side on a pallet.  With the help of a dock worker, the crate was lowered on a pallet, and sqeezed into my van!  So, the run was saved, and we had a happy customer, as when I arrived at his location, he had someone who had flown in especially to see this machine... and they arrived while I was still unloading.  If we go wait on a bigger truck, it could have looked bad on his business.