you guys are whooses!


Retired Expediter
You have a corrupt government, from the top to the bottom...your American values are washed up, you whine and cry and do nothing!! You deserve the government you got!! Over 250 years ago you didn't like it and what happened? your forefathers had the stones to stand up and do something...if you dare suggest it in here..I read we need a measured response!! What crap. Theres only one thing these guys need and thats a coordinated effort to be heard. A protest of all protests!!! Your justice system your constitution is being dismantled piece by piece! And whine whine whine...whoooses

oh yeah you can always write to your representive....whooses!!!
They need an ole fashion slap in the face...


Veteran Expediter
Did someone pee in your Moosehead last night??? I am pretty sure the Ambassador Bridge is open today if you'd like to go back home.....


Veteran Expediter

OVM, are you trying to invoke some sort of emotion out of some people or what?

Good luck most can’t be emotional about politics even if their property is taken away, their kids get put in foster care and they lose their life savings, as I said in my signature line, “what’s your excuse?â€


Seasoned Expediter
what he is saying is kinda true
think back
late 60's early 70's
we stoped a war/ excuse me police action
gave rights to vote to all americans
gave rights to all american regaurdles of sex/ race /religon
along came ragen
broke traffic controlers union
alowed drug testing/right taking away
reasoble shearch and seaser without a warrent/right taken away
and the list go on and on always with the pretence for chaching drug dealers /moffia/terrous/the few truck drivers who dont care/crimals/and that list goes on and on
the top half of this country has kept us fighting between ourselves so they can get all this in play
i better shut up or big brother might put me someware under the national secerty act without going in frout of a judge or get a lawer
for an indefant amount of time


Retired Expediter
greg my whole point!! EMOTION!!! The love of this great country and not seeing it go down the tubes! The PEOPLE fighting to keep it great not just the milatary fight, the fight for a better life and KEEP the Constitution intact! The very rights your forefathers fought and died for generations to come....The right of every man,woman and child to be in thier home without know what I am trying to say...
The politicians are making a mockery of the country...For me its like watching lambs going to the slaughter...or a bunch of lemmings...
Something has to be organized to make the HILL stop and say "looky that Did we pee them off or what?"

Letzrock..just trying to invoke some ole yankee doda! And besides that I am an Ameri-Can now!!!

Bama...your post has been flagged by the DHS and your now on the "no fly list" as a seditionist and one to watch for suspected terrorism tendencies.


Veteran Expediter
Unfortunately people have to pay attention before thet can get emotional. Now if you were to take all the Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan stories off the news you would have a revolt of epic proportions!!!!

Ignorance + Fear = Control


Retired Expediter
Is that that thing you guys talk about? where if it doesn't bother my little world it's not bothering me why give a rats a##??


Seasoned Expediter
i spent my time trying to keep big bro out but we have this conservide relogios group that has taken control preachers that use the church for politics all i can hope for is that i can live out the remaning years of my life with a little freedom and pray that a statement i say don't lock me up and america stays away from a socialist goverment till after i die


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I hate to burst your bubble but you have the Hilary's and Obama's using the churches far more than the conservatives. Hilary went so far as to use a made up black accent that should have alienated her to the entire black community and yet she's a darling to them.

The ATC's had a contract that specifically said no strikes. They broke their contract. They deserved to be replaced.

There was no right taken away by mandatory drug testing. Using drugs is not a right, it is just the prime example of stupidity. Unfortunately many people are too stupid for their own good so mandatory testing is a must.

There are definitely things that need to be changed. The most urgent is term limits. As I've said before, I won't cry over change by whatever method it takes, as long as it protects and upholds the Constitution.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
You are very close with a couple things.

Leo’s comment - “I hate to burst your bubble but you have the Hilary's and Obama's using the churches far more than the conservatives. Hilary went so far as to use a made up black accent that should have alienated her to the entire black community and yet she's a darling to them.â€


Bamamule’s comment - i spent my time trying to keep big bro out but we have this conservide relogios group that has taken control preachers that use the church for politicsâ€

You all forgotten about ALGORE and the fundraising in a temple? Well to put this straight, the Dems are more likely to ignore the laws when it comes down to separation of church and government than the repubs. The last thing you will hear from a dem, be it Obama, Hillary or Kennedy is the issue over using churches as a pulpit to promote their campaign. The sad thing is this has been happening for the last 150 years or so, so it is nothing new.

“The ATC's had a contract that specifically said no strikes. They broke their contract. They deserved to be replaced.â€

Leo, I agree with you 100%, they signed the contract that said we will not strike and people fail to understand that they were public servants, just like postal workers and police. I don’t begrudge local cops from having a union but I do any federal worker, like postal workers or ATCs, this is a job that they choose to take, not something forced upon them.

“There are definitely things that need to be changed. The most urgent is term limits.â€

Here is where I disagree with you, term limits are useless unless people are involved.


Seasoned Expediter
but when they beat all the unions were are we going to be
working for a company living in a company house buying in a company store
and payday youll owe the company more than you worked

as far as drugs they are wrong
but someone telling me to fill up a cup while watching me or sticking a needle in my arm or cutting a chunck of hair out of my head without a court order is taking away my rights

i'm not a dem or rep or ind
so don't need to know about who's doing what and how like i said useing the church is wrong we fought for the right of seperation of church and state but i'm not a athous or whatever you call them

just the same useing cb;s radar dectors or this openscale to be able to run against the law is just as wrong


Veteran Expediter
The unions are their own worst enemy, they need to start working harder by proving their worth. The UAW has been selling their own out for a long time for example - the Teamsters are getting to be just like them.


Veteran Expediter

The Dems are playing the religous card because that is where the votes are which is just politics same as the Republicans.Religious leaders are using the church for their own political agenda which IMHO is wrong.When they stop driving around in limos and flying around in private jets and helicopters I might think differently.

The problem with the war on drugs is it allowed law enforcement to seize property before the defendent stands trial.In other words anybody can plant evidence on your property,the cops seize the property, freeze your assets and then drop the charges.Good luck trying to get your stuff back.God forbid the neighbor kid decides to grow pot in your back yard.Possession is 9/10 of the law.

As for drug testing Im all for it.Before you couldn't pull into a truck stop without having somebody banging on your door wanting to sell you something.


Expert Expediter
bamamule wrote:

"as far as drugs they are wrong but someone telling me to fill up a cup while watching me or sticking a needle in my arm or cutting a chunck of hair out of my head without a court order is taking away my rights"

This maybe what OVM was talking about when he implied our justice system was a mess. IMO...too many laws favor or make it easier for those who do bad things to continue to do bad things. It seems some in our country want to have laws to protect us but...they dont what the authorities to have any ability to enforce them.


Retired Expediter
Its a hard thing...most Americans wants the right to liberty and be secure in thier home and when the police or FBI try to do just that ,to enforce such laws they are handcuffed by those same rights that prevent them from doing thier jobs...When criminals are in the act of commiting a crime they shouldn't have the same rights to be me the rights have to be balanced in favoUr of the citizen...


Veteran Expediter
What I'd like to know is this: if drug testing is such a valuable tool to promote everyone's safety, why aren't political leaders & corporate heads drug tested? Is the job they get paid to do not considered important enough to ensure that they're doing it with a clear head?
I don't think the politicians should be pormitted to pass any law that exempts themselves.


Retired Expediter
You mean the President elect doesn't have to pee in a bottle??? Senators, Reps??

Nearly every other American does.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Not only did the ATC's sign a contract agreeing not to strike, they were given opportunities to be taken back with no repercussions after the strike began. They got what they deserved and were misled down that path by the Union. In the last negotiation, the UAW showed signs of being realistic about the state of domestic auto makers. It will be interesting to see if that continues next time around.

As to drug testing, could someone tell me who these people are that are being dragged, kicking and screaming, to the clinic where they are forced, apparently at gunpoint, to provide a sample? As far as being a driver, when someone makes a choice to do that they know up front what the requirements of the job are. If you're someone that employs people in any capacity, driving or otherwise, is it really unreasonable to want people that are drug free?

There are those that tell us we are losing our rights. When I look back on my 52(OMG!!!!) years, I feel as free now as I ever did. Could someone tell me, specifically and without the use of rhetoric, what rights I have lost that make me less free? It's important to remember that we can't be truly, completely free in the literal definition of the word, and still be a civilized society.