It's a Team's Life What is Expediting?


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
How is expediting different than truck load and how is expediting the same? Who does expediting and why? Why attend the Expedite Expo?

In 2003, we took notice of one of those “little trucks” going down the interstate and then not to soon after that were in a truck stop and this couple said they were “Expediters”. At the time, I did not put the “little truck” with the “expediters” and had no clue what this couple meant as they continued talking about the same subject we were and at the that time we were in a tractor trailer. After we left the restaurant I turned to Bob and said “What in the world is an Expediter?” He had a hard time explaining and I was still baffled. Finally, with a little research I put two and two together or in this case small truck and expediter and learned what they meant.
