Van drivers: where to wait in CA?


Rookie Expediter
So I've been driving my own cargo van for about 10 months now. I just delivered to Calexico, CA on Friday, and my dispatcher recommended I DH to San Diego or closer to LA. So I DH to the San Diego area Friday afternoon and have been here all weekend. The problem I'm having is there are no good places to park overnight. This is only my second time in CA, since I've been driving, and I've noticed the truck stops are WAY outside the normal metro areas. It was the same way when I was in LA last summer. And I found out last summer, that there's no guarantee the truck stop will let you park for free. It seems like every Walmart out here doesn't want us around. Which is totally different compared to the experiences I have everywhere else in the country. In general, California is absolutely beautiful, but it also feels very unwelcoming. Where do you guys park when around San Diego or LA? I haven't seen one expediter all weekend.
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Staff member
A few years ago when I was driving a sprinter I delivered to San Diego and I spent 2 or 3 days at a couple of Wal-Marts around there. Nobody bothered me back then.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I tore California out of the atlas, along with NYC. Way to leftist and decent human unfriendly. It's over a decade since I was there, never around S.D. and usually a ways out from any big cities. I waited at Walmarts and back then had no problems. Good luck.
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Veteran Expediter
Just for future reference .... Home Depot parking lots are usually good in CA.
Also if you're in SD again there is a Pilot right on the border. I slept there once a few years ago. I imagine that's a good alternative if you can't find anything else.
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