It's a Team's Life Unconditional Love


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
Walking back to the truck and having a pet watching and waiting for you cannot help but bring a smile to your face.

Living with a pet full time creates a very strong attachment between the pet and their humans. Our pets learn many words and also can read our emotions quickly. When we are sad they are sad and when we are happy they are very happy. When we are stressed they are there to put a foot on our knee or snuggle up with us until we feel better.

A cat is a whole different story, or at least the one we have is. Squeaky is named Squeaky because he is very very vocal. When we come back to the truck he is often laying on his blanket on the dash and his only acknowledgment that we are back is a yowl to let us know we need to check his food or water dish. If we are gone for a longer period of time he will follow us to the sleeper of the truck still yowling to let us know about his displeasure. Before long though he has forgotten about us and goes back to doing what cats do a lot of, sleeping.
