town renames good friday for sake cultural sensitivity


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess I'm not surprised anymore, but still have to shake my head :rolleyes:

Mayor John Hamilton recently announced that are renaming two paid holidays for city workers -- in an effort to respect "differing cultures."

Columbus Day will henceforth be known as "Fall Holiday" and Good Friday will be known as "Spring Holiday."

Town renames Good Friday for the sake of "Cultural Sensitivity"
This is the most idiotic plan I have heard of in a long time.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Veteran Expediter
Isn't that becoming the new norm
If it's a Christian holiday it is wrong
But rember your Christian when you deal with me


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Retired Expediter
in an effort to respect "differing cultures."
If the mayor truly wants to respect "differing cultures" he wouldn't give non-Christians the day off with pay, but he would give Jews and Muslims paid holidays for Hanukkah and Ramadan. <snort>

Political correctness doesn't promote tolerance, it organizes hate.
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Veteran Expediter
Columbus Day being brought into cultural sensitivity?
What next, change Presidents day for the Not My President group :rolleyes:
This stuff just boggles my mind :dash2:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mayor John Hamilton, dumber than dirt moron. Not fit to be an American citizen with stupidity like that.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The mayor is getting roasted on Twitter. There's a whole hashtag for him and everything.
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Veteran Expediter
Sadly Christian Holidays continue to get vilified in this country. For me personally, I'm glad I live in a town that still has a Christmas parade & has no issues with saying a prayer before football games on Friday nights.

Someone is gonna have to explain Columbus Day to me. Is Mayor Hamilton saying this is insensitive to Native Americans?
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Veteran Expediter
Well to get technical something is allways going to be insensitive to someone but I thought that growing up alowed you to adjust that things aren't going to be your way.
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Veteran Expediter
Perhaps Mayor Hamilton would like to up the ante & go after the holy grail .... The United States of AMERICA! Named after another Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. We could just rename our country The United States of SACAGAWEA! Not only would it be renamed after a native american but also a woman. :p
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter