Question for TCall


Veteran Expediter
Since we are all George Bush Supporters 98.5% I believe is what you said. And heres my question:

Who let the Chinese have all of our Neuclear Weapon Secrets? Could it have been Clinton, since he let them buy lobby votes in exchange for funding his campaign? And these lobbiest changed the laws on us so that our Intellegance Agencies could no longer communicate. I believe that came out in the news after 9-11.

Just curious Mr. Defend our nation. I know I am still alive and so is my family with Busch. No I do not like him, but I will not talk him down like Nancy does either. Just as I did not like Clinton but respected him for the job.

Its about respect one can dissagree I have no problem with that, but Nancy is full Venem and Hate, disscusting attitude for a human being.

Excuse my spelling.


Veteran Expediter
Hi Broom.
A couple of comments regarding your observations on my comments.
I guess I'm the only one in our country who did the research on dubya.
He was not a canidate for President,had no intention of running for President,and probably knew he was not smart enough,ot experienced enough.
He was recruited for the job by the Republican National Committee.
Why,because of his Fathers influence,and the fact he would do anything he was told by the power brokers who are now running our country.Do you disagree with this statement Broom?.If you do,please do your research.
I don't blame dubya,he's to stupid to know the difference.He's not making any decisons,which is why he's so off course,and stuborn.(Bring em on).This is not his war,it'his Fathers war,set up by ,oh S**T Broom,you know all this.Twas money and greed that elected poor pityful dubya.I'm the first to agree that this poor clown knows not what he does,nor cares,as he is just a mouth piece.History will reflect as much.I'm sorry,my respect is not some blind emotion I can give to whom ever is sitting in the White House,they have to earn it.And it is my,and yours,right to voice what ever we wish to say.
There were no shortage of outragious assaults on Clinton,that went so far beyond is inapropriate personal action,that it bordered on the absurd.But trying to defend anything remotley left,or liberal,falls on deaf ears for 98.5% of the good people on this forum.But it will not stop me from being the sole voice of sanity,as I see it.
I get up everyday,just as everyone on this site does,and try and figure out some way to make a little money with my trucks.We all have much in common,I have respect amongst my drivers,and other in this industry,as a guy who is honest,pays on time,and is on good terms with every driver who has ever worked for me.Never screwed a one.I don't have the same political believes as any of them,but they are all my friends,and we have had many good times together.
I only point this out as I feel like I am from Mars with my posts,but my opinions are shared with many,many friends and true Americans,of both parties,in place's far and wide in this country.
China is China,I not getting into who did what to whom when the gang that can't shoot straigh has done more damage to our reputation world wide then any one in the last century.We have become a joke,and I find it sad,discouraging and undefendable.Period.
Have a good day,and look me up when your out this way.


Veteran Expediter
You have a lot of cahones stating Bush never makes his own decisions, when Clintons own advisors have said over and over HIS decisions were based on POLLS! It's clear how you lean, and it doesn't matter what they do in your party, you'll still support them. Some of us, however, have snubbed the Republican party for what it is... pork barrel spenders who rival the Dems in their hypocracy.

I wonder if the Communist party is recruiting helpers. At least I KNOW what they stand for! x(


Veteran Expediter
Do the reseach Hawk,dubya had no intention of being President.
Does that not give you a clue?The man is a puppet!!Our current energy
policy was devisd by Cheney and Ms.Bubba Lay and a few other oil and gas boys prior to the 2000 elections.For Gods sake,wake up man!!
If this is not a form Communist policy making,what is!!They won't release the minutes of the meeting because the s**t is illigal!!Bush was not even elected when this meeting took place.Nor was he in the meetings.After the fall elections,the criminals will no longer be able stone wall investigations.Blood will run my friend,so will all the Jack Abrahoff greed :censoredsign:s who stole our money,including Dennis Hassert.
Let the games began


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hello Tallcal101,

After reading many of your posts. I have come to the conclusion that your feelings are that any politician or rich conservitive that does not agree with your thoughts is a crook,dumb,or some other derogitory remark.

Other Canidates have been drafted by political leaders on both sides of the aisle to run for President, some win some do not. George W. Bush [R] was elected. General Meade [D] was not in 1864.

I believe that anyone that breaks the law R or D should be investigated. The problem is the R or D do not like to investigate their own and only do it if they feel that it will help their interests. The problem with most of the charges by both sides are more politically motivated than based on an actual crime.

I noticed that you do not mention Rep. Jefferson from LA. The Rep. from California a Republican got what he deserved jail time. Both sides have crooks.

The name calling only will dillute the message.


Veteran Expediter
Our current energy policy was devised by Cheney and Ms.Bubba Lay and a few other oil and gas boys prior to the 2000 elections.

Well what happened to Clinton’s energy policy? And for that matter, nothing has really changed for the 14 years – no promotion of alternate energy by the government, no innovation from NASA, no nothing. I would rather have the people who know the industry write the policies instead of having a bunch of politicians hash out a plan and compromise on everything so not to step on toes that have nothing to do with energy.

If this is not a form Communist policy making, what is!!

Well is this any better than having an unelected person dictating policies from behind the scenes, Hillary? I mean it is clear that she had a hand in a lot of policy making sessions and even a lot of complaints from staff members and congress (democratic that is) that she was sitting in on meetings where she should not be.

They won't release the minutes of the meeting because the s**t is illigal!!

Well so is having FBI investigations on former Bush (1) staff members and having staff members who have no security clearance holding these and other sensitive files. This was illegal than and still is now. Who cares about the minutes, there are bigger things to worry about in life.

Bush was not even elected when this meeting took place.

Are you sure?

Nor was he in the meetings.

Now if you were president, would you attend every meeting?

After the fall elections, the criminals will no longer be able stone wall investigations.

OH boy, I don’t think so. If the Democrats are serious about becoming a majority party again, drop the threats, drop the BS with the Bush hating and tell all of us what to they will do for us.

Blood will run my friend, so will all the Jack Abrahoff greed :censoredsign:s who stole our money, including Dennis Hassert.

OH BOY, 1970’s all again – revolution is in the air – NOT! Where are the Symbionese Liberation Army, where is the black panthers? I don’t think it is going to happen. As for SLA, they should have been all rounded up and executed on the spot – we complain about terrorism, we tolerated them but they were as bad a McVeigh. Sorry, anyway Mr Tallcal, got to mention that there are ties with Abramoff and Harry Reid and a whole bunch of leading democrats, including one of my senators. Everyone of them should be out of office but that would leave a lot of dems out in the cold.


Veteran Expediter
Your absolutly right Leo,as always.The problem is,Bush screwed up the Jefferson investigation by trumping the Criminal Justice Department and ordering a trashing of his office.He was so pleased to hear it was not a Republican(for the first time in a while)he may have ruined the opportunity to put a real bad guy behind bars.
I hope not,as this guy seems as dirty as most Lousiana elected ofrficials(they never seem to learn down in Cajun country).
Leo,I may sound,and am sure to many do sound,very unwilling to hear any other side other then my own.
But please harken back to 2001,the first years of the Clinton adminstration.It was a witch hunt.It never eased up until it was proved that Clinton had a problem keeping Mr. Johnson where he belonged.
Now,I am of the opinion he was not the first(we now know that Ike kept a his WW2 mistress from England in his life until he died).But the press respected an individual's privacy in those days,so it never became an issue.Hundres of millions of dollars were spent looking under every rock,in evry Hotel room ,and every land deal etc.They finally came up with the incriminating DNA evidence on Monicas dress.
Come on Leo,he will still be rememberd for what he did as President,not in the bedroom.
Bring in this bunch,none of them tell the truth!!Delay makes me want to vomit,as do most of these criminals(yes,criminals),and they will be investigated,just as Clnton was.But they committed real crimes,and will pay the price,as they should.If Democrats are involved in the money rakeing,hang em high.
It's politics in the current times,and those who chose to bring Clinton down have not been forgotten.Pay backs are a b****h.Memories are short,and the defenders of this adminsitration,and their lies,half truths,greed,corruption defies the imagination,but I respect the defenders,just as I defended Clinton back in the old days.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I know we conservatives all look alike but I haven't posted in this thread. Those are the other guys this time.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry Leo,it was Ace.But I still agree with your viewpoint and respect and value your opinion.Love to meet you if your out this way.