Peacefull protesters


Seasoned Expediter
yep these are the kind of people I want standing up for my LIBERTY.

Raped and Robbed Occupy Baltimore Woman Receives No Help From ‘Activists’ | Video |

This guy got off lucky the left media and protester of course claimed he was shot in the chest with a rubber bullet and had to be taken to the hosiptal.As the last video explains this.However if you look close and pay attation those cuts on his face from the beating he took are really leafs.I say he got off very lucky and should thank good he did not get a real beating camera there or not.

Video Shows Denver Protester Knocking Over Police Motorcycle | Frank “Frankie” Roper | Video |

Communist Professor Alex Callinicos Talks Violence With Occupy Protests |

‘We Handle it Internally’: Another Possible Sexual Assault at Occupy Wall Street |

Riots Break Out in Oakland as Police Clear Camp | Video |

This one is messed up with the fact that the protesters have set a curfew in the park and are checking ID's of people out and about after curfew.Which is ironic when you think about it.

Police Investigating Possible Sexual Assault Of Teen At Occupy Dallas |

Yep this is the kind of person I want standing up for me.Some one needs to teach this guy a thing or to.

Occupy Dayton Protester: ‘F*** the Military, F*** Your Flag, F*** the Police’ | Video |

And then well you just got the crazys

Video: A couple more of those

Or this one I guess in their fairytale world the theives are not there.

Surprise: OWS protesters don’t like their own wealth redistributed |

Do Occupy Wall Street Protesters Want Violence? |